In the News

  1. May 6, 2022
    • Photo of Sarah Miller
    • Joelle Abramowitz

    “We’ve had enough research now to say pretty conclusively, it’s going to be economically harmful,” said Sarah Miller, assistant professor of business economics and public policy, whose research shows that women unable to get an abortion experience a significant increase in financial distress. “And we can think about if someone has a worse economic situation and now they have a child, that child is also going to experience that worse economic situation as well,” said Joelle Abramowitz, assistant research scientist at the Institute for Social Research.

  2. May 6, 2022
    • Photo of Barbara mcQuade

    “We’re going to have this bizarre scenario in the state of Michigan where abortion might be available on a county-by-county basis,” said Barbara McQuade, professor of practice from law, who believes that enforcement across the state could differ depending on location, as some prosecutors will refuse to bring charges under the law and others will be “only too eager” to pursue those cases.

    The Detroit News
  3. May 6, 2022
    • Headshot of Leah Litman

    “Left to his own devices, Justice Alito would happily welcome challenges to many of the (Supreme) Court’s foundational fundamental rights decisions,” said Leah Litman, assistant professor of law. “The critiques he levels at Roe — it’s not in the constitutional text; there aren’t early state constitutional provisions or early state or federal court decisions recognizing the right — apply to those other rights, and he’d happily overrule them if he could.”

  4. May 5, 2022
    • Daniel Crane

    “There needs to be a big multi-stakeholder discussion that leads to some kind of a framework for going forward that allows a lot more flexibility. It also gives the dealers real hope of being able to be participants going forward,” said Daniel Crane, professor of law, who believes adapting to change and incorporating it will be the best way for auto dealers to compete with online startup automakers.

  5. May 5, 2022
    • Beth Wallace

    While it added more anxiety and frustration for high-risk travelers, the lifting of the transportation mask mandate doesn’t mean that immunocompromised people can’t fly, says Beth Wallace, assistant professor of rheumatology and internal medicine: “Covid-related risks are not the same for every person who is immunocompromised, and the balance of risks and benefits is different for every person.” 

    The Washington Post
  6. May 5, 2022
    • Photo of Yuri Zhukov

    “All along, Russian domestic propaganda has emphasized that Russia is at war not with Ukraine, but with NATO and the West. Behind every Ukrainian military success, in this narrative, there is a NATO officer telling the Ukrainian where, when and whom to shoot,” said Yuri Zhukov, associate professor of political science, explaining that such a framing helps rationalize military failures to the Russian public, while also priming them for the possibility of a full-scale war in the near future.

  7. May 4, 2022
    • Andy Hoffman

    Andy Hoffman, professor of sustainable enterprise, says polarization in the so-called culture war around climate science seems to be decreasing as more Republican lawmakers and voters agree with scientists that climate change was caused by human activity: “In particular, if you look at what the young Republicans are doing — they care about climate change.”

    Financial Times
  8. May 4, 2022
    • Headshot of Sara Hughes

    Sara Hughes, assistant professor of environment and sustainability, believes local and state officials are discussing climate resilience less than they should be: “Ten years from now, it would just be such a shame if we’re still not prepared for large flood events, or new runoff patterns to our source waters, or the effects of high heat days on our infrastructure.”

    Michigan Radio
  9. May 4, 2022
    • Shobita Parthasarathy

    Software designed to summarize, translate and write like humans could change how science is done — but not necessarily for the better, says Shobita Parthasarathy, professor of public policy. “The algorithmic summaries could make errors, include outdated information or remove nuance and uncertainty, without users appreciating this,” she said.

  10. May 3, 2022
    • Chin Hwa (Gina) Dahlem
    • Keith Kocher

    Only slightly more than half the pharmacies in Michigan are part of a program allowing them to dispense Narcan — the opioid overdose antidote — without a prescription, say Chin Hwa (Gina) Dahlem, clinical assistant professor of nursing, and Keith Kocher, associate professor of emergency medicine. “You would think that more pharmacies would be willing to dispense naloxone without a prescription due to the burden of the opioid epidemic. I was kind of shocked,” Dahlem said.

    Detroit Free Press