In the News

  1. August 3, 2022
    • Photo of William Elliott III

    “We have a fair amount of evidence that shows that when (children’s savings) accounts are in place, kids and families will talk more about the kid’s future and talk more about their post-secondary education. This is very important for them, having the sense that college, which is far off for many of them, is something you need to act on now,” said William Elliott III, professor of social work.

  2. July 27, 2022

    For decades, campus-based museums across the U.S have played an outsized role in making the visual-arts ecosystem more equitable and accessible, says Christina Olsen, director of the U-M Museum of Art: “Campus museums are not without fault. … But they have unique freedoms and missions that they can leverage to make profound sector-wide change.”

  3. July 27, 2022
    • Photo of Barry Rabe

    “Europe has been the global leader on climate policy for at least the last 10 years. They have done the most in making their own adjustments. They’ve tried to find ways to put pressure on the U.S., the rest of the world and move this forward,” said Barry Rabe, professor of public policy and the environment. “And despite all of these efforts — and some real emission reductions in Europe — they aren’t able to hide from the effects of (climate change) either.”

  4. July 27, 2022
    • Preeti Malani

    “This is about mitigating risks, not eliminating them. There’s not one thing that takes care of all (COVID-19) risks. But when you layer those things like vaccination, testing and being thoughtful about mask wearing, it can help bring the risks down (when traveling),” said Preeti Malani, professor of medicine and infectious diseases.

  5. July 27, 2022
    • Image of Nazanin Andalibi

    Online fertility groups can help people with a history of being ignored or stereotyped by medical professionals, says Nazanin Andalibi, assistant professor of information: “I’ve seen … where people wouldn’t really know how to advocate for themselves … especially first-time pregnant people, not knowing what to ask even, or what they should even be looking for.”

    The Atlantic
  6. July 27, 2022
    • Jana Hirschtick

    “We need a universal case definition before we can really understand the prevalence of long COVID. Right now, the definition varies wildly across studies, leading to a big range in prevalence estimates,” said Jana Hirschtick, assistant research scientist in epidemiology. “After all this time, we still don’t have a clear picture of who is at greatest risk.”

    Los Angeles Times
  7. July 20, 2022
    • Harrison Ball
    • Photo of Sunitha Nagrath

    “For patients who already have cancer, consistent sleep is vital to ensuring that the rest of their body is strong enough to endure treatment and fight off the disease,” said Harrison Ball, doctoral student in chemical engineering, about research that shows breast cancer spreads more aggressively during sleep. “Our immune system is at its best when we get enough rest,” said Sunitha Nagrath, professor of chemical engineering. “Cancer might spread aggressively (during the night), but the body can fight back if we have a great immune system.”

    National Geographic
  8. July 20, 2022
    • Miranda Brown

    “The problem with orange chicken for a lot of Chinese Americans is that it reinforces the impression that Chinese food is just cheap eats — it’s greasy and not very gourmet,” said Miranda Brown, professor of Chinese studies. “But it begs the question: Is the food itself the problem? Or is it that people have a problem with the kinds of stories that are attached to the food?”

    NBC News
  9. July 20, 2022
    • Eve Brensike Primus

    “These are hard cases when it’s not the individual who actually fired the weapon, but someone else who we are expecting to have seen it coming. Those are high barriers,” said Eve Brensike Primus, professor of law, on the likelihood that the father of the Highland Park shooter will face prosecution. “Whenever you’re dealing with legal standards — was a person reckless or could they reasonably foresee something — these are standards that are incredibly fact-specific.”

  10. July 20, 2022
    • Anna Stefanopoulou

    “Batteries are like humans, they don’t like high heat or low heat. The best temperature is the one humans are comfortable with,” said Anna Stefanopoulou, professor of mechanical engineering. “The higher the temperatures, the more energy we need to use to cool our vehicles. And that energy is lost and that will heat the environment. That’s why it’s crucial that we continue to improve the battery technology and the power grid.”

    ABC News