U-M part of New Media Centers Initiative

The University is one of 21 colleges and universities selected to participate in an industry-university consortium called the New Media Centers Initiative.

“Participation in the New Media Centers Initiative will give the U-M access to state-of-the-art hardware, software and peripheral products to incorporate interactive media into many campus activities,” said Ed Saunders, director of the Office of Instructional Technology.

Using multimedia equipment purchased at discount prices from New Media Centers industry partners, Saunders plans to upgrade equipment in the Instructional Technology Laboratory—used by faculty to develop multimedia-based curriculum materials. The number of multimedia stations in the Laboratory available for student use will be increased from 20 to 40.

Saunders also will expand and upgrade the U-M’s multimedia creation stations for students. Available 24-hours each day, these workstations will give students access to the latest CD-ROM, audio and video technology, and a complete library of multimedia software.

“We will establish an electronic media production and post-production facility, expand the U-M’s existing multimedia network and establish a digital media network server and pilot instructional applications,” Saunders said.

Saunders says the new media center hardware and software upgrades will be completed by September 1994. An open house in early fall will kickoff a series of workshops, demonstrations and conferences to help U-M students and faculty learn to use this technology to improve teaching and learning.


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