Traffic will be rerouted for move-in, football game

With students returning to the U-M earlier than usual this fall, traffic on nine city streets near Central Campus will be rerouted the Thursday and Friday (Sept. 2–3) before Labor Day weekend.

In addition, the same streets will be affected Sunday (Sept. 5), if necessary. However, all streets will be open as usual Saturday (Sept. 4) since students will not be permitted to move into residence halls on that day.

Alan J. Levy, Housing program director, said that rerouting traffic on some streets will help minimize the anticipated congestion caused by returning students and more than 100,000 fans attending the U-M’s Sept. 4 football game.

“The city and the University are cooperating in an effort to make the student move-in an orderly and efficient process,” Levy said. “This will allow many University-housed students to move in prior to the heavy football traffic.”

The following streets will be affected noon-11 p.m. Thursday (Sept. 2); 8 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday (Sept. 3); and 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Sunday (Sept. 5), if necessary:

Thompson, from Jefferson to Madison, southbound one-way traffic.

Madison, from Division to State, eastbound one-way traffic.

Jefferson, from Thompson to Maynard, eastbound one-way traffic.

Maynard, from Jefferson to William, northbound one-way traffic.

East University, from Hill to Willard, northbound one-way traffic.

Church, from Willard to Hill, southbound one-way traffic.

Observatory, from North University Court to Ann, northbound one-way traffic.

Ann, from Observatory to Zina Pitcher Place, westbound one-way traffic.

Washington Heights, from East Medical Center Drive to Observatory, westbound one-way traffic.

U-M security officers will be stationed near main intersections to direct traffic and guide students toward unloading areas near residence halls.

The Housing Division will operate a Problem Phone Line (764-0149) while the altered traffic patterns are in effect. For information, call Levy, 763-4104.


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