The Senate Assembly on Monday selected Stefan Szymanski, professor of kinesiology, to fill a three-year term on the Senate Advisory Committee for University Affairs, the executive arm of U-M’s faculty governance system.

The vacancy arose after member-elect Douglas Richstone, Lawrence H. Aller Collegiate Professor of Astronomy, resigned because he is being appointed to an administrative position in LSA.
Richstone was one of three new SACUA members elected March 16. Szymanski was the next-highest vote getter in that election. The Senate Assembly voted Monday to follow previous practice of filling such vacancies with the candidate who received the next-highest number of votes.
As with the other two newly elected SACUA members — Angela Fagerlin, associate professor of internal medicine and adjunct associate professor of psychology, and David Wright, associate professor of accounting — Szymanski’s term begins May 1 and runs until April 30, 2018.
SACUA is the nine-member executive arm of the University Senate and Senate Assembly. The Senate consists of all professorial faculty, librarians, full-time research faculty, executive officers and deans. The Senate Assembly consists of 74 elected faculty members from the Ann Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses.