Repair work to close parts of Thompson Street Parking Structure


A renovation project in the Thompson Street Parking Structure is scheduled to start on May 9 and be completed Aug. 8. It will involve closing sections of the structure at various times.

The work will include necessary repairs of the elevator lobbies and stairwells and the replacement of stairwell handrails. The result will improve the safety and appearance of those areas.

Repair work will be done in two phases:

• A two-week continuous closure of levels 5-8, on weekdays and weekends from May 9-22.

• A series of weekend closures of levels 2-8 from May 27-Aug. 8. Weekend closures will be in effect from 6 p.m. Friday through 6 a.m. Monday.

No work will be done during the Ann Arbor Art Fairs July 19-24.

During these significant space closures, parkers are strongly encouraged to consider parking on the Athletic/South Campus and taking the U-M Commuter bus to and from Central Campus.

Specifically, orange lots SC6, SC7 and SC36 have unused capacity. The U-M Commuter buses serve those parking lots 6 a.m.-1:30 a.m., every 10, 11 or 15 minutes, depending on the time of day or evening.

There are Central Campus northbound bus stops at Hutchins Hall and at the U-M Museum of Art on South State Street, and southbound bus stops at UMMA and across from Hutchins Hall on South State.



  1. janet crayne
    on June 3, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    I know that the repairs are necessary, but we pay quite a bit for the convenience of having a structure close by. But during this time we are being encouraged to park far away and still pay the blue price.
    I know that I am not alone noticing this.

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