The North Campus Research Complex will get 80 new parking spaces in lot NC92 after the Board of Regents on Thursday approved the reconstruction project.
The $4.9 million project also calls for expanding the width of lanes in the road on the west side of the NCRC from 10 feet to 13 feet wide.

The road expansion project will accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic due to the pathology renovation and relocation project, which regents approved in April 2015.
Plans also call for new and improved pedestrian sidewalks, bicycle circulation improvements and the addition of an east-west circulation road for bus routing.
The project is expected to improve bus transportation in the area and improve accessible sidewalk routes. It also includes site clearing and grading, paving, storm water management, site lighting and an additional bus stop.
Funding will be provided from Logistics, Transportation & Parking and Medical School resources. The engineering firm of Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber will design the project.
The project is expected to provide an average of 20 on-site construction jobs. Construction is phased and scheduled to be completed this fall.