All Headlines

  1. December 3, 2020

    Firm to help U-M implement recommendations on sexual misconduct

    U-M is hiring the consulting firm Guidepost Solutions to help promote a campus environment and culture where sexual and gender-based misconduct and retaliation are not tolerated and trust is rebuilt.

  2. December 3, 2020

    Teen smoking, tobacco use drops as e-cig use grows

    Despite the increase in use of e-cigarettes among adolescents, cigarette and smokeless tobacco prevalence declined more rapidly between 2012 and 2019 than in previous periods, according to a new U-M study.

  3. December 3, 2020

    Anti-Racism Faculty Hiring Initiative selection committee named

    U-M’s Anti-Racism Faculty Hiring Initiative is moving forward with Provost Susan M. Collins naming the members of the committee who will review hiring proposals and make selections for funding for the first round of submissions.

  4. December 2, 2020

    Football game with Maryland canceled; practice paused

    The U-M athletic department has paused football practices until Dec. 7, and the Dec. 5 game against Maryland has been canceled and will not be rescheduled, due to COVID-19-related factors.

  5. December 2, 2020

    U-M’s first Mitchell Scholar will study cybersecurity in Ireland

    School of Information graduate student Marilu Duque has been selected as U-M’s first recipient of the George J. Mitchell Scholarship, one of the nation’s most prestigious academic honors.

  6. December 2, 2020

    University, community partners tackle energy insecurity

    A new U-M-led project will work with residents of 200 low- and moderate-income households in three Detroit neighborhoods to improve home energy efficiency and to lower monthly utility bills.

  7. December 1, 2020

    ResponsiBLUE Guest tool screens U-M visitors for COVID-19

    Before entering any U-M building, all visitors, contractors and vendors will need to complete a preliminary health screening via the guest version of ResponsiBLUE, the health-screening tool.

  8. December 1, 2020

    Impact of remote work adds twist to severe-weather policy

    Snowy weather brings a reminder from campus leaders about the university’s policy for reducing operations. This year, with many faculty and staff working remotely, the impact of a reduction in operations might look a little different.

  9. November 30, 2020

    Older adults say they’ll get COVID-19 vaccine but want to wait

    U-M’s National Poll on Healthy Aging showed that 58 percent of adults aged 50 to 80 — one of the highest-priority groups for vaccination — say they are somewhat or very likely to get vaccinated to prevent COVID-19.

  10. November 30, 2020

    Remembering UM-Dearborn professor Bill Grosky

    Colleagues and former students remember Bill Grosky, professor of computer and information science in UM-Dearborn’s College of Engineering and Computer Science, who died Nov. 13.