All Headlines

  1. October 26, 1992

    Changes in lakes levels 10,000 years ago could explain global chill

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services U-M geologists may be close to determining the cause of an abrupt global “cold snap” that occurred about 10,000 years ago as the climate was warming and glaciers were retreating across North America at the close of the last Ice Age. Geologists Theodore C. Moore Jr. and David…
  2. October 26, 1992

    Researcher discovers record of past climates hidden in ears of fish

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Tiny stones called otoliths that form within the inner ears of fish are actually paleothermometers preserving a record of seasonal temperature variations over the past 20 million years, according to a U-M graduate student. “By analyzing tiny bands of otolith material deposited on a daily basis, just like…
  3. October 26, 1992

    Handbook a gold mine of information

    In addition to presentations on various aspects of the College of Engineering and a 15-minute video tour of the unit, participants in this week’s orientation will receive a 27-page staff handbook. Among its more interesting and helpful items: —A full-page listing of 49 acronyms and their definitions, all relating only to the College of Engineering.…
  4. October 26, 1992

    Walgreen family endows College of Pharmacy professorship

    An endowed professorship will be established at the College of Pharmacy by the three children of Charles R. Walgreen Jr., retired chairman of the Walgreen Co. The professorship will be funded by a pledge of $1.5 million by Leslie Ann Walgreen Pratt of Estes Park, Colo.; James A. and Victoria D. Walgreen of Woodstock, Ill.;…
  5. October 26, 1992

    Campuswide alcohol, drug survey being pre-tested

    By Jane R. Elgass Pre-testing of a “path-breaking” survey on alcohol and drug use on campus is under way, with a final survey expected to be administered in late winter. While design and content of the survey have drawn heavily on the Monitoring the Future survey of high school students and young adults done by…
  6. October 26, 1992

    D’Arms briefs Assembly on national study

    By Mary Jo Frank Major universities need to find out how well they are training doctoral-level researchers, John H. D’Arms told Senate Assembly members last Monday. To that end the National Research Council is establishing a Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States. The Council is the operating arm of the…
  7. October 26, 1992

    Engineering staff develop orientation for colleagues

    By Jane R. Elgass New College of Engineering employees will receive a warmer welcome that they might have in the past thanks to the efforts of some of their colleagues. This Thursday, the College will host an inaugural orientation session for the its approximately 100 new staff members. The need for such a program was…
  8. October 26, 1992

    U joins consortium that focuses on international activities

    From the Office of International Academic Affairs The University has joined the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA). MUCIA’s goals include “undertaking human resource development and institution-building projects in the developing world and contributing to the internationalization of member universities.” In announcing the University’s membership, President James J. Duderstadt said that “cooperation with MUCIA…
  9. October 26, 1992

    Faculty role in Campaign discussed by Roberson at Assembly meeting

    By Mary Jo Frank Faculty will play a key role in The Campaign for Michigan, Joseph Roberson promises. Speaking to Senate Assembly Oct. 19, Roberson, associate vice president for development and executive director of The Campaign for Michigan, noted that faculty are involved in the creative activities for which funds are being raised. Faculty also…
  10. October 26, 1992

    You can enroll now in health plans

    The annual open enrollment period for health insurance continues through Friday (Oct. 30.) During this period, staff members may enroll themselves and eligible dependents in a health insurance plan or change health insurance vendors. Retirees also may change from one vendor to another. Questions on specific plans should be directed to the vendors. Applications and…