May 24, 1993
The following staff members will behonored for their service to the University at a June 2 banquet. 40 years Jeanne M. Collins, Materiel Services, UMH; Audrey M. Lucas, Medical Campus Human Resources Department, UMH; Dale E. Norris, Electric Shop, Plant Operation; Carl H. Watts Jr., Construction Labor, Plant Operations. 30 years George H. Anderson, Epidemiology,…
May 24, 1993
Nine faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their May meeting. They are: Alan G. Billings, professor of theatre Prof. Billings joined the faculty in 1966 after teaching at the University of Illinois, University of Delaware and the University of Louisville. In 1990 he served as interim chair of the U-M…
May 24, 1993
The new federal Family and Medical Leave Act “will be a great opportunity to highlight the University’s role as the employer of choice,” says Leslie de Pietro, coordinator of the Family Care Resources Program and chair of the University’s Family and Medical Leave Act Task Force. “It will give us a chance to highlight how…
May 24, 1993
By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services The crisp, linear path of research, writing and defense that should be the doctoral student’s existence, says Gregory S. Carleton, really is “more like mushy cereal with soggy flakes dipping into various extremes of doubt and confidence.” Carleton recently earned his Ph.D. in Slavic languages and literature. Carleton…
May 24, 1993
By Mary Jo Frank 2 off-duty security officers aid burn victim Off-duty U-M security officers Melissa Bolyard and Gerald Steiner responded quickly when they came upon a 36-year old homeless man on fire, his clothing apparently ignited by a cigarette, about 1:45 a.m. May 18 near the Dental Building. Lt. James R. Smiley says Bolyard…
May 24, 1993
By Mary Jo Frank Faculty and staff from all academic and career fields are being recruited to serve as mentors through the University Mentorship Program. Volunteering as a mentor is a “unqiue opportunity to build a relationship with three or four first-year U-M students while helping them to explore their academic and career interests,” says…
May 24, 1993
By Rebecca A. Doyle University computing users will soon begin moving away from reliance on one mainframe computer to accessing a web-like network of services that will be provided by several machines. The infrastructure that will allow the changeover from a mainframe to a distributed computing environment will be in place by September 1994, according…
May 24, 1993
The University affirms its commitment to supporting ongoing staff development for all staff members in a new Staff Development Philosophy statement. Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. and Vice President Farris W. Womack sent a copy of the statement and a letter to all deans, directors and department heads last week. Whitaker and Womack noted that…
May 10, 1993
All University offices are being asked to maintain their usual schedule throughout the summer. A memo recently sent to Executive Officers, deans and directors notes that it has been customary for some units to change their hours of operation during the summer to permit offices to close early. The memo, signed by Vice President for…
May 10, 1993
Plans are under way for the Oct. 1 inauguration of James C. Renick as U-M-Dearborn’s fourth chancellor. “We’re soliciting ideas from the campus community for celebratory events focusing on the connections between U-M-Dearborn and the Detroit metropolitan area,” says chemistry Prof. Charlotte A. Otto, chair of the inauguration planning committee. Each of Dearborn’s schools and…