All Headlines

  1. March 14, 1994

    Are you a harasser?

    Accused harassers are often surprised to learn how their behavior is perceived by others. The following tips may help you determine in advance how your behavior might be interpreted by others: Review your attitudes and actions toward others. Examine how others respond to what you do and say. Is your behavior gender-neutral and bias-free? Do…
  2. March 14, 1994

    Sexual harassment policy aims for mutual respect

    Editor’s Note: The text of the policy begins on page 8. By Jane R. Elgass After two years’ experience with the policy, changes in response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court case, and slight revisions to the document, the University is republishing its Faculty/Staff Sexual Harassment Policy. (See pages 8–9 for complete text of the…
  3. March 14, 1994

    Spencer grant funds doctoral training in educational research

    By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services The School of Education has received a $450,000 three-year grant from the Spencer Foundation to train doctoral students planning careers in educational research. Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, the Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professor of Reading and Literacy, has received a related $50,000 mentor grant from the Chicago-based…
  4. March 14, 1994

    Engineering solicits nominations for Excellence in Staff Service Awards

    April 29 is the deadline for nominations of individuals for the College of Engineering’s Excellence in Staff Service Awards. The awards, “reflecting appreciation and recognition of the fine work done by the College’s staff members,” are given annually to a maximum of five outstanding employees, according to 1994 College of Engineering Awards Team members Pamela…
  5. March 14, 1994

    Blurring boundaries comes naturally to Digital Music Ensemble

    By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Selections by Chick Corea, Debussy and Prince may make an improbable concert program. But in the hands of the University’s unique Digital Music Ensemble, the odd triad works. Besides, the group is eclectic not by choice but by necessity. Directed by Assistant Professor of Music Steve Rush, the…
  6. March 14, 1994

    Child-related tax credits help employees make ends meet

    ‘The car couldn’t have broken down at a worse time,’ Diane muttered. Her family’s finances were pushed to the limit just paying for groceries, rent, transportation to work and child care for her three sons—all on only $10,000 a year. ‘Now the transmission dies and the exhaust needs replacing—right after I’ve already gone over my…
  7. March 14, 1994

    U.S. News: School of Social Work tops in country

    By Jane R. Elgass The School of Social Work has been named tops in the nation in the fifth annual “America’s Best Graduate Schools” rankings by U.S. News & World Report. The School of Public Health’s master’s degree program is ranked fifth, and the School of Music fourth. This is the first time the magazine…
  8. March 7, 1994

    Reading of Oleanna kicks off next Rackham ‘Conversation’

    By Mary Jo Frank A University reading of David Mamet’s provocative play Oleanna will be the starting point of the next Rackham Conversation on Academic Priorities program titled “Learning from Oleanna.” Leigh A. Woods, associate professor of theater, and Ceci Grinwald, a junior in the Department of Theatre, will perform a rehearsed reading of Oleanna…
  9. March 7, 1994

    Eight vie for three seats on faculty governance board

    Eight candidates are running for three seats on the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA). The election will be held at the March 21 Senate Assembly meeting. Three candidates will be elected to serve three-year terms beginning May 1, succeeding John Birge, George Cameron and Ronald Lomax. The candidates and their “campaign statements” are:…
  10. March 7, 1994

    Historian Metzger to deliver Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture

    By Mary Jo Frank Walter P. Metzger, emeritus professor of history at Columbia University, will give the fourth annual Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom at 4 p.m. March 21 in Rackham Amphitheater. Metzger, author of Academic Freedom in the Age of the University, will discuss “A Walk Along the New Frontiers…