All Headlines

  1. June 5, 2023

    Live Coal: Bringing the spark for artists and neighborhoods

    U-M alumna Yvette Rock’s Live Coal nonprofit arts organization is transforming lives and Detroit neighborhoods through art, community development and education.

  2. June 5, 2023

    Ukrainian expatriate helping war-torn homeland

    Juliya Wicklund, an America Reads program manager with the Edward Ginsberg Center, helped launch the Ukraine TrustChain, a nonprofit aimed at helping the war-torn country of Ukraine.

  3. June 5, 2023

    Heritage Project — Michigan in the making

    From the first painting of U-M’s rural campus by Jasper Cropsey in 1855 to Richard Rummell’s work in 1907 depicting a bustling landscape, U-M’s campus had become a new kind of enterprise entirely.

  4. June 5, 2023

    Obituary — Ludwig Koenen

    Ludwig Koenen, the Herbert C. Youtie Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Papyrology at U-M, died May 9.

  5. June 5, 2023

    Obituary — David L. Lewis

    David L. Lewis of Ann Arbor, professor emeritus of business history, remembered as the world’s preeminent expert on the life of Henry Ford for more than a half century, died April 13.

  6. June 5, 2023

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the University of Michigan.

  7. June 4, 2023

    CRIME ALERT: Shooting, 06-04-23

    Approximately 12:30 a.m. June 4, in the 1200 block of South University.

  8. June 3, 2023

    SECURITY BULLETIN: DPSS seeks help identifying Crime Alert subject

    The Division of Public Safety and Security is seeking information regarding a series of indecent exposure incidents and sexual assaults, all of which are believed to have been committed by the same individual. 

  9. June 2, 2023

    New deans recommended for Ford School, Dentistry

    Celeste M. Watkins-Hayes has been recommended to be the next Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, and Jacques E. Nör has been recommended to be dean of the School of Dentistry.

  10. June 2, 2023

    Nör recommended as next School of Dentistry dean

    Jacques E. Nör, the Donald A. Kerr Collegiate Professor of Dentistry, is being recommended as the next dean of the School of Dentistry.