Non-union staff seat on PDOC open for nominations


Nominations are now open for a non-bargained-for staff representative to serve on the U-M Police Department Oversight Committee.

The committee considers grievances against any police officer or the department and reports its findings and recommendations to the executive director of the Division of Public Safety and Security.

The six-member committee includes one Senate faculty member and one non-Senate faculty member, one union staff member and one non-union staff member, and two students. Members are nominated and elected by their peers through separate processes and serve two-year terms.

Non-bargained-for staff members on the Ann Arbor campus and in Michigan Medicine may nominate themselves or another non-union staff member by completing the online nomination form. Nominations are accepted through May 22. Only submissions from those eligible to vote in the election will be considered.

University Human Resources is conducting this election. A staff member will contact eligible nominees for their consent to run in the election.

Online voting will take place June 6-19. The two-year term for the newly elected committee member will begin July 11.


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