New online courses address AI education in industries, workplaces


The Center for Academic Innovation has launched 15 new courses by University of Michigan faculty members to provide people across industries with the education and training they need in job-specific generative artificial intelligence skills.

These courses and series expand a growing portfolio of short courses from Michigan Online, which learners can complete in less than a day.

Navigating Disruption: Generative AI in the Workplace

Josh Pasek, professor of communication and media studies, and of political science in LSA, leads a four-course series that explores the impact of generative AI on workplace tasks, industry effects and the risks associated with adoption.

AI for Lawyers and Other Advocates

Patrick Barry, clinical assistant professor of law at the Law School, leads a four-course series that covers writing, speaking and creative problem-solving, as well as how to use generative AI for meetings, counseling clients and delegating tasks.

AI for Creative Work

Created by the late Charles Garrett, professor of music at the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, and Garrett Schumann, lecturer I in LSA, this three-course series offers a unique perspective on the tangible ways workers can use generative AI in their creative practice. The series features the perspectives of several content creators, including costume designers, writers, singers and graphic designers.

Generative Leadership: Inspiring Adaptability in an AI World

Monica Worline, faculty director of the Center for Positive Organizations and lecturer III in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business is helping leaders look at the larger picture of generative AI through emerging leadership frameworks in her course, which is designed for leaders who want to help their teams adapt during times of uncertainty. The course introduces the framework’s core principles to help them cope with the constantly changing landscape.

Generative AI in Business

While AI’s impact on the workplace has already started, Andrew Wu, associate professor of technology and operations at the Ross School, is helping entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders think tactically and strategically about adopting generative AI into their organizations. His three-course series is informed by Wu’s experiences consulting for companies on generative AI. Wu saw a growing need for a step-by-step approach to generative AI adoption, and to provide clarity to organizations considering their approach.



  1. Mag Grace
    on December 4, 2024 at 8:46 am

    Why are we continuing to push AI in schools and workplaces? This isn’t making anyone’s lives better, it’s simply reducing the corporate need to pay a skilled workforce living wages.

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