Kathleen Kruse elected as Senate representative on PDOC


Kathleen Kruse, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and medical director of the Nyman Unit in the Medical School, has been elected to serve as the Faculty Senate representative on the six-member Police Department Oversight Committee.

Kruse won a ranked-choice election from among 10 candidates in which Ann Arbor campus Faculty Senate members ranked their top five candidates. If no candidate had a majority, the candidate with the lowest number of votes was eliminated and their votes redistributed to voters’ next choice. This process continued until Kruse was determined the winner.

She will serve a two-year term on the committee that considers grievances against police officers and the U-M Police Department. It may make recommendations to the executive director of the Division of Public Safety and Security.

The six-member committee includes two students, two faculty members (one Senate faculty and one non-Senate faculty) and two staff members (one union and one non-union).


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