Investing in Ability Week calendar

Investing in Ability Week, Oct. 3–9, is set aside in Michigan to promote employment of those with disabilities, encouraging employers and the public to focus on a person’s abilities rather than disabilities. The U-M will celebrate the week with public events:

Oct. 4

10 a.m., Council for Disability Concerns meeting, Regents Room, Fleming Administration Building.

11 a.m., Presentation of the 1993 James Neubacher Award, Regents Room, Fleming Administration Building.

Oct. 5

7:30 p.m., Talk and Book Signing with Joseph Shapiro, author of No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, Michigan Union Ballroom. Sponsored by the students and faculty of the University of Michigan.

Oct. 6

4–5:30 p.m., “Marketing Your Abilities: The Successful Job Seeker’s Perspective,” Career Planning and Placement Room, third floor, Student Activities Building. Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement.

Oct. 7

Noon–1 p.m., video, “Accommodating Students with Disabilities at the University: Faculty and Student Perspectives,” Wolverine Room, Michigan Union. Sponsored by Services for Students with Disabilities.

Oct. 8

Noon–1 p.m., video, “Focus on Abilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act at the University of Michigan,” Room 1209, Michigan Union. Sponsored by the Affirmative Action Office.


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