Accommodations available for those attending Regents’ meeting

Individuals with disabilities who wish to attend the Dec. 16–17 Regents meeting and need assistance should contact the Regents’ Office two weeks in advance. Call 764-3883 or write to Regents’ Office, Fleming Administration Bldg., Ann Arbor, MI 48109. For TDD services, call 747-1388.

Patient parking expanded at Taubman

The demand for patient/visitor parking at University Hospital and the Taubman Center has reached record levels. Effective today (Dec. 6), the Taubman parking structure will be reserved for patient and visitor use only. All staff paid parking was removed from the parking structure as of 6 p.m. yesterday.

Because the change reduces the availability of on-site parking for Medical Center staff, Parking Services encour-ages staff from other campuses who must travel to the area for meetings, classes or other activities to take advantage of available shuttle and bus transportation.

Visit Design Expo ’93

An array of machines and devices designed and built by U-M mechanical engineering students will be displayed at Design Expo ’93 1:30–4:30 p.m. Thurs. (Dec. 9) in the atrium of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building.

The event is free and open to the public. Students will be on hand to answer questions about their prototypes. Elementary, middle and high school students interested in engineering careers are encouraged to attend.

Prototypes on display will include a machine that checks the radial clearance of high-precision ball bearings, which was designed for the NSK Corporation’s Ann Arbor plant, a mechanical package for a holographic gun sight, an innovative exercise machine, a driving simulator, and an autonomous vehicle.

Harpsichord-violin recital planned Dec. 10

The School of Music will present faculty harpsichordist Edward Parmentier and guest baroque violinist Jean Kim in a free recital at 8 p.m. Fri. (Dec. 10) in the School of Music’s Recital Hall.

The performers have selected baroque music of Italy and music of Bach that features their instruments alone and in combination: sonatas for violin and harpsichord by Veracini and Marini; Frescobaldi’s Cento Partite; Bach’s Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue for harpsichord; and Bach’s Partita in d minor for solo violin.

Holbrook will discuss flexible benefits at LS&A meeting

Robert S. Holbrook, associate provost for academic affairs and professor of economics, will discuss flexible benefits at the LS&A faculty meeting at 4:10 p.m. today (Dec. 6) in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Refreshments will be served prior to the meeting.

For the record . . .

A moratorium on employee contributions for group life insurance has been approved for January through June 1994, according to Staff Benefits. Group life insurance participants will see 1 cent (not 1 percent) on their paystubs as the amount of the employee contribution for this benefit.

Holiday closing announcements will be published Dec. 13

The Record will publish a list of unit holiday closing announcements Dec. 13. The deadline for submitting announcements is 5 p.m. Tues. (Dec. 7).

Hall of Fame Bowl tickets on sale

Tickets, $31 each, are on sale for the Hall of Fame Bowl in Tampa. There is no limit to the number of tickets a person may order. To order by phone with a credit card, call 764-0247. To order by mail, send a check to Michigan Ticket Office, 1000 S. State St., Ann Arbor MI 48109-2201.

Bartell will give next lecture in Moses Gomberg series

Lawrence S. Bartell, the Philip J. Elving Professor of Chemistry, will give the next lecture in the Moses Gomberg Lecture Series at 4 p.m. Tues. (Dec. 7) in Room 1640, Willard H. Dow Laboratory. Bartell’s topic: “The Dynamics of Matter in Transition. New Solutions to Old Puzzles.”

A Christmas Carol returns

Bert G. Hornback, professor emeritus of English, will read from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol at 1:30 p.m. Sat. (Dec. 11) in the Maternal and Child Health Center Auditorium. The program is sponsored by the Gifts of Art.

Other Gifts of Art programs include:

  • A holiday concert by the Ann Arbor Civic Chorus at 1:30 p.m. Sun. (Dec. 12) in the first floor lobby, University Hospital.

  • A snowflake-cutting demonstration by Thomas Clark 12:30–2:30 p.m. Dec. 16 in the north first floor Taubman Lobby.

    Fulbright Association will host holiday reception Dec. 10

    The Fulbright Association, Southeast Michigan chapter, will host a holiday reception 4–6 p.m. Fri. (Dec. 10) at the Koessler Room, Michigan League.

    All present and former Fulbright scholars, researchers and lecturers, both from the area and from other countries are invited to attend. Members of the local Fulbright Association chapter, including those from the U-M, will be on hand to welcome guests and to inform them of the newly formed chapter’s activities. Refreshments will be served.

    Plant and Utilities preparing holiday shut-down schedules

    The Plant and Utilities departments are preparing holiday shut-down schedules and will be reducing ventilation throughout the majority of campus buildings during the December–January holiday period.

    With the advent of the “20 percent plan,” which returns energy savings to the schools and colleges, it is more important than ever to keep fan schedules to a minimum, says David B. Anderson, energy management coordinator.

    Units also are asked to make certain that windows are closed tightly to prevent freeze-ups.

    The departments need to be informed of any major activities planned on campus between Dec. 23 and Jan. 2 by Fri. (Dec. 10). Send notices to Anderson, Utilities, 326 E. Hoover, 1002, or respond through Banyan Vines or by FAX to 747-0967.

    Museum of Art opens new show

    An exhibition by Larry Cressman, “Drawing on Water, An Installation,” will open Fri. (Dec. 10) with a 4:30–6 p.m. reception at the Museum of Art. The show runs through March 6.

    Cressman will present an informal slide talk titled “Bits and Pieces (and Whole Rooms)” at 7 p.m. Jan. 15 at the Museum of Art. Admission is $10. Refreshments will be served.

    ABPA elects officers

    The Association of Black Professionals and Administrators (ABPA) has elected the following executive board members: Jeffery Tibbs, president; Denise Harvey, vice president; Jacina Davis, secretary; Jackie Muldrow, assistant secretary; JoAnn Sims, treasurer; and James Roane, assistant treasurer.

    Benefit reimbursement account cutoff dates announced

    To guarantee reimbursement in their December paycheck, Flexible Spending Account participants should submit claims to the Benefits Office, 2030 Administrative Services Bldg., by Dec. 14 for biweekly pay periods and by Dec. 13 for monthly pay periods.

    MedSport will share ideas for healthy holiday cooking

    Lizzie Burt of MedSport will share tips on converting traditional holiday favorites into more healthy meals at 9 a.m. Thurs. (Dec. 9) as part of the Walkers’ Health Education program at Briarwood Mall Grand Court. She also will discuss healthy gift-giving ideas from your kitchen.

    The U-M Health Centers and Briarwood Mall present health education programs 9–10 a.m. the second Thursday during the months of December, February and April in the Grand Court.

    The entrance doors between Sears and Jacobson’s open at 7 a.m. weekdays and Saturday and at 9 a.m. Sunday for walkers. New program participants need to register in the Briarwood Management Office.

    “Fitness Over 50” low impact aerobic sessions are offered 9–10 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

    Humanities Institute extends deadline for faculty fellowships

    The Institute for the Humanities has extended to Dec. 13 the deadline for faculty to apply for fellowships to be held during the 1994–95 academic year. The announced deadline was Dec. 1.

    Full-time faculty in all schools and colleges of the University are eligible; the Institute theme will be “Work and Play.” For information, theme statements and application forms, contact Eliza Woodford, Fellows coordinator, 1512 Rackham Bldg., 936-1930, or by e-mail.

    More concerts

    The newly formed Jazz Composers’ Orchestra will perform at 8 p.m. Thurs. (Dec. 9) at Rackham Auditorium. Student jazz compositions will be performed, as well as works by faculty and standard compositions.

    The Symphony Band and the Concert Band will perform in a joint concert at 8 p.m. Fri. (Dec. 10) at Hill Auditorium. The program includes “Passing Bell” by Benson, “Four Scottish Dances” by Arnold, Adams’ “A Short Ride in a Fast Machine,” “George Washington Bridge” by Schuman, and the premiere of “Elysian Spheres” by Glenn G. Palmer.

    Museum of Art Gift Shop opens second location

    The Museum of Art has opened a gift shop in the North Campus Commons, across from the cafeteria. Available items include notecards, gift wrap, coffee mugs, poster books, mobiles and other art-related gift items. Hours are 11 a.m.–3 p.m. weekdays.

    Quispel will give 3 lectures

    Gilles Quispel, an authority on Gnosticism, the Gospel of Thomas and Jewish Christianity, will deliver three public lectures this week.

    Quispel, who is retired from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, will discuss “From the Hermetic Lodge in Alexandria to the Greek Eucharist and the Roman Mass” at 4 p.m. today (Dec. 6) at Rackham Assembly Hall.

    He also will present “The Gospel of John and Jewish Christianity” at 4 p.m. Tues. (Dec. 7) at Rackham Assembly Hall and “C.G. Jung and the Trinitarian Dogma” at 1 p.m. Wed. (Dec. 8) at the Rackham Amphitheater.

    His lectures are sponsored by the Department of Near Eastern Studies, the Program on Studies in Religion, and the Department of Classical Studies.

    For more information, contact Near Eastern Studies, 764-0314.

    University Event Planners plan winter break celebration

    The University Event Planners will host a winter break celebration 3–4:30 p.m. Wed. (Dec. 8) at the Campus Inn. The meeting is open to anyone in the University community with an interest in event planning. To pre-register or for information, call 763-5070.

    Emergency room staff celebrate trauma center certification

    The U-M Hospitals’ Emergency Department nursing staff will sell t-shirts and sweatshirts 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Fri. (Dec. 10) to celebrate the Medical Center’s certification as an Adult and Pediatric Level One Trauma Center. Proceeds will benefit the Emergency Department Nursing Education Fund.

    Protein Structure and Design program will host symposium

    The Program in Protein Structure and Design will hold its annual half-day symposium at 9 a.m. Sat. (Dec. 11) in Rackham Amphitheater. The program will feature six short presentations by local researchers and a noon lecture by Gerhard Wagner of Harvard Medical School titled “NMR Studies of T-Cell Related Receptor Proteins.”

    Choirs will give joint concert

    The Chamber Choir and the University Choir will give a concert at 8 p.m. today (Dec. 6) in Hill Auditorium. Under the direction of Theodore Morris and Jerry Blackstone, the choirs will sing works including Ave Marias by Bruckner and Victoria, Britten’s “A Baby is Born” and “The Shepherd’s Farwell to the Holy Family” by Berlioz.

    The School of Music will present the Holiday Choral Festival at 8 p.m. Dec. 9 at Hill Auditorium. The Women’s Glee Club, the Men’s Glee Club and the Arts Chorale will combine to perform the “Ceremony of Carols” by Britten and Rutter’s “Gloria,” among other works.

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