Election underway for union staff rep on police oversight panel
The election for the union staff representative to serve on the University of Michigan’s Police Department Oversight Committee is underway. Online voting is available through 5 p.m. Friday. Members of AFSCME, IUOE, HOA, MNA and Skilled Trades at Michigan Medicine and the Ann Arbor campus are eligible to vote. The Police Department Oversight Committee considers grievances against any police officer or the U-M Police Department. Its findings and recommendations are reported to the executive director of the Division of Public Safety and Security. Additional information about the committee and its procedures may be found at hr.umich.edu/umpd. The six-member committee includes two students, two faculty members (one Senate faculty and one non-Senate faculty), and two staff members (one union and one non-union representative), who are nominated and elected by their peers for two-year terms. To review the statements of the candidates and vote, visit myumi.ch/J7QyZ. Voting more than once or for more than one candidate will result in disqualification. The newly elected member’s term begins July 1. For questions about the Police Department Oversight Committee or the election process, call Staff Human Resources at 734-763-2387.
Regents meeting set for June 20
The Board of Regents will have its monthly meeting at 4 p.m. June 20 at the U-M Golf Course. To offer public comment at the meeting, sign up in advance at regents.umich.edu/meetings/publform.html. Public comments on agenda items will be taken prior to their consideration. Comments on nonagenda items will follow the regular business agenda. People with disabilities who need assistance should contact the Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University in advance at 734-763-8194. For more about regents meetings, go to regents.umich.edu.
Submission deadline policy set for proposals to external sponsors
The university submits more than 7,700 proposals each year to external sponsors on behalf of its researchers. U-M will roll out a new policy governing submission deadlines on Jan. 6, 2020. The new policy, developed in coordination with research administrators, faculty, deans and other U-M leaders over the last three years, will establish explicit, fair and uniformly applied levels of service for processing. To view more information about the levels of review and a form to submit general questions about the policy, visit orsp.umich.edu/deadline-policy.
Regent Diggs will chair AGB board of directors

Regent Shauna Ryder Diggs will become the chair of the board of directors for the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges effective July 1. She is one of five members of the organization’s governing board. AGB is a national organization providing university and college presidents, board chairs, trustees and board professionals with resources that enhance their effectiveness. Diggs also is the first physician to serve on U-M’s Board of Regents. She was elected in 2012 and currently chairs the Board of Regents’ Health Affairs Committee. Additionally, she chairs the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation and the Blue Care Network Board’s Health Care Quality and Service Improvement Committee. Diggs earned her bachelor’s degree and medical degree from U-M.
Michigan HouseCalls launches in-home transition of care service
Michigan Medicine’s HouseCalls program has recently launched an initiative to improve access to care by providing the option of an in-home transition of care visit to patients with severe illness, debility or mobility issues, as well as those who have limited or no access to reliable transportation. To qualify for the HouseCalls service, patients must be at least 18 years of age, be under the care of a Michigan Medicine primary care provider, and live in Washtenaw County. To refer a patient to Michigan HouseCalls, place an order for “House Calls” in MiChart and follow the prompts. For questions, contact Latechia Howard at 734-477-7256.
Safe medication disposal event yields 1,200 pounds
The College of Pharmacy hosted its 11th Safe Medication Disposal Event on April 2. Students operated two collection locations simultaneously, one on Ingalls Mall and the other at Michigan Medicine. For the first time, students collected sharps in addition to over-the-counter and controlled medication. The students broke all previous collection totals, taking back 653 pounds of medication and 631 pounds of sharps. The event was a collaboration between Phi Delta Chi, the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists and the U-M Police Department.
— Compiled by Safiya Merchant, The University Record