This week in history (56 years ago)
One of the signature achievements of President John F. Kennedy was creating the Peace Corps, the creation of which dates back to an unexpected moment and impromptu speech 56 years ago this week.
After a day of campaigning for the presidency, then-Senator Kennedy arrived at the University of Michigan on Oct. 14, 1960, at 2 a.m., to get some sleep, not to propose the establishment of an international volunteer organization. Members of the press had retired for the night, believing that nothing interesting would happen.
But 10,000 students at the university were waiting to hear the candidate speak. Kennedy began by saying, “I want to express my thanks to you, as a graduate of the Michigan of the East, Harvard University.” The future president then challenged the students: How many of them would be willing to serve their country and the cause of peace by living and working in the developing world? “This university is not maintained by its alumni, or by the state, merely to help its graduates have an economic advantage in the life struggle,” he said. “There is certainly a greater purpose. … I come here tonight asking your support for this country.”
Following up on the idea he launched on the steps of the Union, Kennedy signed an executive order establishing the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961. Since then, more than 220,000 Americans — including more than 2,300 U-M graduates — have responded to the challenge. A plaque outside the Union entrance commemorates the occasion.
— From Peacecorps.gov, and reports from The Ann Arbor News and The Orange County Register
James Emmert
The caption on the article says 1956, but it was 1960. I was there standing on the ledge at the side of the steps.
Jill Greenberg
Thanks for pointing this out. I have updated the caption.
— Jill Greenberg, editor, The University Record
Catherine Scheidt
My sister, a U of M graduate in 1999, was one of the 2300 U of M graduates as well as a Fulbright Scholar. U of M rocks! I am Class of 1979.