Police Beat


June 2012 crime map >

Patient assaults staff members

A University Hospital patient suddenly became physically disruptive and assaulted two staff members on June 28. A technician sought medical evaluation for her injuries. The investigation is continuing.

Student reported sexual assault

A student reported June 28 that she had been sexually assaulted the previous night by another student she knew in her residence hall room. The investigation was submitted to the prosecutor’s office. Prosecuting staff declined to authorize charges due to insufficient evidence. The case has been closed.

Parent reports unlawful behavior

A father of a campus visitor informed authorities in late June that his teenage child and another teenager had engaged in sexual relations while on campus during the first week of June. Neither subject is of age to give legal consent. However, neither subject nor family wished to pursue legal action and the investigation has been closed.

Student charged with laptop theft

A student has been charged with burglary in connection with the theft of another student’s laptop from his Stockwell Hall room on June 14. His preliminary exam is scheduled for Aug. 2. The laptop owner reported that he found his room door propped open when he returned around 5:40 p.m. and his laptop was missing. The laptop later was traced to another room and recovered.

Wallet taken from room

An incoming student who was attending new student orientation reported June 15 that his wallet had been removed from his room during the night. He had left his room door propped open around 1:15 a.m. and returned about five minutes later. Around 8 a.m., he discovered that his wallet was missing. There were no signs of forced entry and there are no suspects at this time.


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