U-M will require COVID-19 vaccination on all campuses


All students, faculty and staff on all three campuses of the University of Michigan are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and must submit their vaccination information before the start of the fall term, university officials announced July 30.

The universitywide vaccine requirement, which also applies to Michigan Medicine, was announced July 30 in an email to the campus community signed by President Mark S. Schlissel; Susan M. Collins, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs; Marschall S. Runge, executive vice president for medical affairs; and Brian T. Smith, interim executive vice president and chief financial officer. UM-Dearborn Chancellor Domenico Grasso and UM-Flint Chancellor Debasish Dutta also signed the message.

The announcement comes as the rate of COVID-19 infections increases across the country, particularly in states and sub-populations with the lowest vaccination rates and as the predominant delta variant proves to be much more infectious.

“Widespread vaccination is the primary and most effective tool that will bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control and it is the key to a vibrant and engaging academic year,” officials wrote in the email.

The vaccine requirement also applies to those working or learning remotely.

“We’re making this announcement today to allow those who remain unvaccinated the time to begin their vaccination series in the month ahead,” the message said. “While we will provide limited exemptions for medical and religious reasons, it is imperative that all members of our community are protected from this devastating virus.”

This step is consistent with the advice of our campus public health experts. It also is in line with recent announcements made on university and health care campuses and by companies across the nation, including the Veterans Health Administration, Google and the Mayo Clinic, though each has variations for its organization. More than 600 colleges and universities have announced vaccination requirements of various types.

There also is strong internal support for a vaccine mandate from Central Student Government, Rackham Student Government, deans of the schools and colleges, a Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs resolution and a survey of U-M faculty.

Michigan Medicine has dealt directly with the harmful toll of this virus, responding to surges of acutely ill patients while still providing important health care services using strict infection control protocols. Increased vaccination among health care personnel is crucial to Michigan Medicine’s commitment to the safety of patients, their families and staff.

The university will require all faculty, staff and students to do one of the following: 

The exemption process for U-M campuses and Michigan Medicine is being developed and will be communicated by Aug. 4​.​ Those individuals who request and are approved for a medical or religious exemption will be required to complete mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing and must continue to mask indoors while on campus.

Beginning Aug. 9, the university will make advisers available to students, faculty and staff who have questions about the vaccine, its safety or the importance of being vaccinated. Details will be shared when available through the Record, unit human resources representatives and the Division of Student Life.

Weekly COVID-19 testing and continued masking indoors will be required of these individuals as they work to become compliant. Ultimately, non-compliant students, faculty and staff will be subject to appropriate campus disciplinary procedures.

University officials are not currently planning to make any further changes to U-M’s broader masking policy, which now requires masking indoors for the unvaccinated and in classrooms for everyone, consistent with guidance from the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention.

As of July 30, roughly 81 percent of students and 65 percent of employees on the Ann Arbor campus, and 76 percent of Michigan Medicine employees already have reported their COVID-19 vaccinations. The vaccination rates are lower for some categories of employees including temporary employees and for employees on the Dearborn and Flint campuses. 

Employee vaccination data has been added to the existing vaccination dashboard, which launched earlier this month. The university verifies self-reported information for accuracy and that it meets the additional requirement of being an authorized vaccine. Data is refreshed daily.

The latest national data shows the delta variant appears to cause more frequent breakthrough infections in vaccinated persons. While they rarely become severely ill or require hospitalization, these vaccinated individuals can spread the virus to unvaccinated individuals, including children, or immunocompromised people.

Vaccines are free and available at most retail pharmacies and health care providers, and appointments remain available through Michigan Medicine, as well as the University Health Service.



  1. Charles Edmonson
    on July 30, 2021 at 12:35 pm


    • Zachary Cary
      on July 30, 2021 at 2:52 pm

      Why would you thank a human rights violation?

    • Kay Wilson
      on August 12, 2021 at 2:11 pm

      Dear UMICH Community,

      A friend recently sent me this post about the patents and history of the ‘vaccine’ and subsequent virus. I took the time to listen to it last night and must say this one-hour + presentation contained some surprising, if not shocking facts, and upon reflection, was well-worth my valuable time. I am sharing it with you in the interest of diversity, equity, and inclusion of differing opinions and perspectives regarding the fundamental precepts and in consideration of the historical factors seemingly at play leading up to this powerful institutional-wide/world-wide vaccine mandate.

      Please note I am not advocating any position or course of action by submitting this post.

      I ask only that you consider taking the time to listen to this broadcast (as I did), and to those who may be way smarter than me, I would be grateful to listen and sincerely consider your respectful, intellectual dialogue or responses:


      Very sincerely,
      Kay Wilson, MPH, MS
      [email protected]

  2. Robert Grijalva
    on July 30, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    Thank you to the administration of the University! It’s reassuring to see that all three campuses will be covered by this policy. Finally we can all go about the serious business of educating our students in person and with the confidence that we are all safe as we gather together in classrooms and other venues.

    • Zachary Cary
      on July 30, 2021 at 2:48 pm

      How you can’t see that this a complete violation of human rights and Nuremberg Code is beyond me. I hope you’re happy, because the sane group of us is not. People on both sides of vaccine argument both agree it should not be forced.

  3. Justina Bissett
    on July 30, 2021 at 1:31 pm

    How can you require a vaccine that is not FDA approved, and has shown so many adverse reactions on VARS? Furthermore, it makes no sense to require it for remote learners and workers. Will students be expelled if they do not get a non-FDA approved vaccine?

    • Zachary Cary
      on July 30, 2021 at 2:51 pm

      The guidelines are so out of touch with science and reality. Why would someone at home need to take the vaccine for a school? Absolutely mind blowing.The vaccinated groups are also getting hospitalized for covid and spreading it. This school is complicit in brainwashing and all adverse effects of students/faculty that do occur from this.

  4. David Blair
    on July 30, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    Please see a review;
    21 U.S. code
    360bbb-3- Authorization fo Medical products for Use in Emergencies.

    There is no exception for any entity public or private to make mandatory for anyone to be required to take a medical product approved under a EUA stamp.

    Also, anyone who takes use of the product MUST be given a written statement on the possible side affects and the explanation that this is NOT an FDA approved product.

    I doubt seriously if anybody has been given this information.

  5. Mya Jackson
    on July 30, 2021 at 5:40 pm

    I guess this is the day I drop out of this school. I’m all for the safety of everyone, heck I’ll even keep wear my mask before getting the shot, but making it required? And getting punishment for it? Especially those who are learning remotely.

  6. Daniil Manaenkov
    on July 30, 2021 at 6:18 pm

    It is extremely concerning that the University is officially joining the ranks of institutions ignoring natural immunity, and will be forcing those with prior infections to risk increased vaccine side-effects, largely for nothing. There is now amble published research evidence showing that prior Covid infection is at least as protective as the vaccines (and likely more robust to current and future spike protein mutations). I could link papers here, but this Op-Ed sums things much better than I ever could, and is coming from people with proper credentials.


  7. David Blair
    on July 31, 2021 at 10:22 pm

    Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past….
    are bound to repeat them.

  8. Jay Grigsby
    on August 2, 2021 at 7:52 am

    This compete violation of Human rights is unsettling. To force mandate a GMI (Genetically Modified Injection) that has not even been approved by the FDA is unheard of. This is not even a vaccine, it is gene therapy. If the University is taking the stance of Forcing people to take an experimental drug that may cause SERIOUS and PERMANENT damage to an individual, I hope the University is prepared to assume responsibility for any damages that may occur.

  9. Michelle Chapman
    on August 2, 2021 at 1:28 pm

    This violation of Human Rights is insane. This should be my decision (or anyone’s decision) to be injected with this vaccine. Why would I need to take this vaccine as I am working remotely. I have had COVID-19 and understand that it is a serious virus. The antibodies that I have from having this virus are stronger than the vaccine, therefore there should be an exemption people who have already had the virus.

  10. David Blair
    on August 2, 2021 at 6:53 pm

    Please refer to Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology.
    What he has to say will open your eyes and explain why there are no vaccines for coronaviruses.
    Obviously history did not teach our experts why you don’t screw with these viruses.
    The covid monster factory has been put in business because of these jabs. This mutation they call Delta is actually being produced by waning protection from VACCINATED people. The well known process called ADE is in play.

  11. Joseph Popiolek
    on August 3, 2021 at 9:36 am

    No one should have this amount of power over people.
    To give people an ultimatum to provide for their families or bend over and take a controversial vaccine that damages some people at least and causes death at worst.

    The anti-science stance “of the science is settled”, the amount of political censorship, censorship over covid, and divisive political power moves makes this feel less like a medical emergency and more like a ideological purity test.
    A purge of people that do not adhere to a single political mindset.
    (Or if you do take a Religious exemption, how does that not create a second class person?)

    I see signs on campus that talk about diversity of thought and being inclusive, it seems to be a shallow message of enforcement only, to silence dissent of the power structure.
    Seems some are more equal than others.

  12. Silke-Maria Weineck
    on August 4, 2021 at 3:13 am

    Brilliant if belated decision. Thank you. I assume Mi-GOP gave the green light.

  13. David Blair
    on August 4, 2021 at 7:47 am

    Let’s use the common phrase heard since the 70’s,
    “My body, my choice. Karma.

    Is the university going to require people that chose not to get the experimental jab wear a gold star?

    • Jessyca Hannah
      on August 4, 2021 at 8:23 am

      Don’t give them any ideas.

  14. Jessyca Hannah
    on August 4, 2021 at 8:28 am

    The anxiety that I am experiencing over this decision could make it impossible for me to work. This is a EUA, not an FDA-approved vaccine. Why isn’t it FDA approved? Because of the lack of data. Data that U of M consistently pushed but apparently doesn’t follow.

    Is UM willing to be held liable for those that have severe consequences from getting the shot in order to keep their jobs?

    Who is paying for the weekly COVID test that is being mandated for the unvaccinated?

    Why is this required for those working remotely? Wayne State is only requiring the vaccine for those that intend to be on campus.

    30 days to comply, seems reasonable…..

    There are so many unanswered questions and the University is taking its sweet time to release information regarding exemptions and other pertinent information. Oh and don’t get me started on the Volunteers that will be available starting Monday to talk me into the vaccine and how safe it is.

  15. Thomas Cook
    on August 4, 2021 at 9:43 am

    The overreach of the “experts” is saddening but to be expected. It’s always been the way of the powerful to make their authority felt. Couching it in terms of “everyone else is doing it” convinces me not; I tried that on my parents and my kids try that on me.

    Look, I got the vaccine – it’s a virus, there’s a vaccine that seems to do the job for most folks, but reasonable people have reasonable reasons to object to taking a vaccine that is still under emergency authorization. I don’t think the government is chipping me, I don’t think I’ll grow a third eye, but SCIENCE (TM) and the media and government are not talking about natural immunity for folks who’ve gotten sick and the concerns people have.

    Let me run down why folks are leery of listening to the experts, even the supposed leaders and best:

    Don’t wear a mask
    Two weeks to flatten the curve
    Wear a mask
    Wear two masks
    Get the vaccine
    Wear a mask even if you’ve had the vaccine

    Y’all don’t have a lot of credibility and good will left with many folks and it’s all your fault.

    We’re over a year into this and you folks in power are still making it up as you go along. You already strip us of our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights while on campus, and now you want to take away our right to privacy. Can you understand why people might object?

  16. Stephanie Tharp
    on August 4, 2021 at 12:31 pm

    I am shocked that more do not see this as a violation of human rights and of the Nuremberg Code. Increasing evidence shows that vaccinated individuals are still spreaders. The mandate for remote employees as well shows that this is not about the public health of our community. Is there any organized pushback on this mandate?

  17. Mary Jo David
    on August 4, 2021 at 2:35 pm

    In response to David Blair’s early comment:

    “…Also, anyone who takes use of the product MUST be given a written statement on the possible side affects and the explanation that this is NOT an FDA approved product. I doubt seriously if anybody has been given this information.”

    I received the vaccine when it was being administered at the stadium. I was given paperwork that stated it was not approved by the FDA and the paperwork also listed possible side effects. I read it and still chose to get the vaccine. Just wanted to assure David Blair that people at U-M sites were given (or offered) the paperwork.

    • David Blair
      on August 4, 2021 at 3:17 pm

      That’s good to hear. You chose to take the product.
      How about they afford everybody else the courtesy after reading the disclaimer to chose not to take the gene modification product?

  18. Crystal Zanders
    on August 4, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    I am100%Team Vaccine.

    That said, requiring that folks working remotely be vaccinated assumes the vaccine is universally available. It is everywhere in the US, but it is a different story in other countries. Folks working internationally should have some kind of recourse.

  19. Jameel Khames
    on August 5, 2021 at 1:42 am

    Time to move into another university!!!!!

  20. Christopher Vandieren
    on August 5, 2021 at 11:05 am

    An actually appropriate use of the phrase “my body, my choice”

  21. Kari Dumbeck
    on August 5, 2021 at 4:11 pm

    Mandates are not “legal”. They are not the law and actually violate many of them. Please see your Federal and State laws, EEOC laws. OSHA laws. Nuremberg laws. UM does not have the law behind then to push such a mandate on forced experimental shots they call, “vaccines” when in fact they do not meet the meaning of the word. Do your homework and do not use Google for they are part of the pharmaceutical industry. Reach out to ThehealthyAmerican.org and learn the truth. Reach out to Thomasmore.org in AA and file a complaint. We can make a stand to fight by law or get run over in the process. Read your history on what happened to the Jews prior the war. It’s happening again now.

  22. David Blair
    on August 5, 2021 at 8:08 pm

    Please search and read the mRNA inventors website:


  23. David Blair
    on August 5, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    For further information on confusion between EEOC and EUA word salads please search;

    There are important forms and documentation that likely will help clearing the air from noise.

  24. Darryl Baird
    on August 6, 2021 at 12:49 pm

    Vaccine hesitancy has been around since the origins of vaccines, it’s actually a somewhat interesting history, but to the point of mandates… they are legal.
    The original vaccine mandate case was decided by SCOTUS in 1905. In that case, “the state” had the right to require vaccination against smallpox, and included a fine for those who refused. This was the main case cited in the recent federal court ruling that upheld the Indiana University vaccine mandate. FDA approval will most likely be in early September, at which point the remaining obstacles against mandates will be removed.


  25. Dominic Fusero
    on August 9, 2021 at 12:14 pm

    Do the points made by Dr. Malone in this article have any merit? Do we understand what we are up against? (This is not meant to be about anything political. We just need to understand what is happening.)

    Vaccine inventor questions mandatory shot push, Biden’s Covid-19 strategy

    “Dr. Malone invented the core mRNA technology being used by Pfizer and Moderna to produce their vaccines and has spent his entire professional career developing and advancing novel vaccine technologies, vaccines, and other medical countermeasures.”

  26. Sarah-Ann Golden
    on August 9, 2021 at 12:41 pm

    What are the disciplinary actions that will follow, for those of us who refuse to get vaccinated?

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