ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

Twenty-one seeking union staff rep seat on police oversight panel
The election for the union staff representative to serve on the Police Department Oversight Committee is underway and continues through May 14. There are 21 candidates seeking the position on the six-member panel that receives and makes recommendations regarding grievances against the U-M Police Department, or any police officer deputized by the university. A full list of candidates and their statements can be found online. Members of AFSCME, HOA, IUOE, MNA, Skilled Trades, and UPAMM at Michigan Medicine and on the Ann Arbor campus may vote in this election. The ballot is available through the University Human Resources website at The appointment of the newly elected member will begin in June. The oversight committee consists of two students, two faculty members (one Senate and one non-Senate faculty), and two staff members (one union and one non-union), who are nominated and elected by their peers for two-year terms. Learn more about the PDOC online.
Nominations being sought for Distinguished University Innovator Award
Innovation Partnerships, based in the Office of the Vice President for Research, is seeking nominations for its annual Distinguished University Innovator Award, the highest honor for U-M faculty who have demonstrated leadership in bringing new ideas to the marketplace. Instructional, research, clinical faculty, or a team of up to three such faculty, are eligible for the award. Any member of the U-M community may submit a nomination. Nominations are due June 9. The recipient will be formally recognized in person Sept. 14 as part of the university’s 23rd annual Celebrate Invention event. Learn more about the award, criteria, submission and selection process, and past winners.
Board of Regents to meet at UM-Dearborn on May 18
The Board of Regents is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. May 18 at Fairlane Center South on the campus of UM-Dearborn. Members of the public will also be able to watch a livestream of the meeting at, but those wishing to make comments during the meeting must attend in person. An agenda will be posted at noon May 15 at To offer public comment at the meeting, sign up before 9 a.m. May 17 at People with disabilities who need assistance should contact the Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University in advance at 734-763-8194. For more information, go to
University Record’s print edition shifting to summer schedule
This will be The University Record’s last weekly print edition of the semester as it shifts to a reduced schedule for the summer. The Record will publish print editions May 22, June 5 and 19, July 24 and Aug. 14. It will resume its regular weekly print schedule with the start of the 2023-24 academic year Aug. 28. The May 19 email will be the last daily Record email until the fall semester. A weekly version will be emailed to subscribers each Wednesday throughout the remainder of the spring and summer beginning May 24. Daily email delivery will resume Aug. 28. The Record website — — will be updated throughout the week with news for faculty and staff, and the weekly email will include items added to the website during the previous week.
— Compiled by James Iseler, The University Record