August 11, 2015
U-M part of new network to build sustainable, livable cities
U-M is one of nine research universities in a new international effort, funded by a $12 million National Science Foundation award, to build better cities of the future.
August 4, 2015
U-M seeds high-risk, high-payoff research under MiBrain Initiative
Unlocking the mysteries of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, stroke and traumatic brain injury is at the heart of 11 new projects that have just received $1.1 million in seed funding from the provost and vice president for research.
July 24, 2015
Lung simulation could improve respiratory treatment
The first computer model that predicts the flow of liquid medication in human lungs is providing new insight into the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
July 23, 2015
Students spend summer conducting research at Detroit nonprofits
Two dozen U-M students are conducting summer research for Detroit nonprofits and public agencies as part of the Detroit Community Based Research Program.
July 20, 2015
U-M opens Mcity test environment for connected and driverless vehicles
The university has opened Mcity, the world’s first controlled environment specifically designed to test the potential of connected and automated vehicle technologies.
July 14, 2015
Five joint projects from U-M and Chinese university receive grants
Five teams from U-M and Shanghai Jiao Tong University are sharing $1 million for research projects on nanotechnology and data science in the latest round of an ongoing collaboration.
July 10, 2015
Feeling impulsive or frustrated? Try taking a nap
Taking a nap may be an effective strategy to counteract impulsive behavior and to boost tolerance for frustration, according to a University of Michigan study.
July 9, 2015
Report shows personal weather observations guide global warming views
A new survey indicates global warming skeptics, as well as those who believe it is occurring, cite personal weather observations as a key reason for their views.
July 9, 2015
U-M, partners predict severe harmful algal bloom for Lake Erie
U-M researchers and their colleagues predict the 2015 western Lake Erie harmful algal bloom season will be among the most severe in recent years.
July 7, 2015
Expanding state Medicaid stems growth of uncompensated care
New research from U-M shows that Connecticut’s Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act has led to a decrease in uncompensated medical care.