
  1. April 24, 2015

    Motion sickness in autonomous cars: Don’t read and ride

    Self-driving vehicles should make roads safer, save energy and improve mobility, but they also might make some people sick, say University of Michigan researchers.

  2. April 23, 2015

    U-M methane hunters search for source of greenhouse gas

    U-M researchers are flying through a 50-square-mile area in the southwest United States’ Four Corners region this month hunting for the source of a methane plume.

  3. April 20, 2015

    University leaders underscore safe lab protocols

    The U-M research community is launching an effort to enhance safety protocols in research laboratories across the university.

  4. April 17, 2015

    In rural areas, white women more prone to depression

    “Location, location, location” is key in determining a home’s value, but the phrase is equally important regarding the mental health for women living in rural areas, according to a new University of Michigan study.

  5. April 17, 2015

    U-M researchers track toxicity of Lake Erie cyanobacterial blooms

    Efforts to reduce the amount of phosphorus and other nutrients washing off farm fields and into Lake Erie shifted into overdrive after high levels of a bacterial toxin shut down the drinking water supply to more than 400,000 Toledo-area residents last August.

  6. April 17, 2015

    Biomarker a breakthrough in diagnosing, treating prostate cancers

    University of Michigan researchers have discovered a biomarker that may be a potentially important breakthrough in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer.

  7. April 13, 2015

    Study explores thwarting cheaters with ‘smart’ tax returns

    A U-M researcher has examined whether changes to the income tax return could help cut evasion, which costs federal, state and local governments more than $400 billion a year.

  8. April 10, 2015

    Study: Near-death brain signaling accelerates demise of the heart

    What happens in the moments just before death is widely believed to be a slowdown of the body’s systems as the heart stops beating and blood flow ends.

  9. April 10, 2015

    Brittle bone disease: Drug research offers hope

    New research at the University of Michigan offers evidence that a drug being developed to treat osteoporosis may also be useful for treating osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease, a rare but potentially debilitating bone disorder that that is present from birth.

  10. April 10, 2015

    Bullied girls, but not boys, benefit from mom’s support

    Children who are bullied become tolerant of aggressive and antisocial behavior, such as cheating, lying or being cruel to others. But can a mother’s affection and communication with the child prevent negative behavioral outcomes for the bullied child?