
  1. April 7, 2017

    Vehicle safety recalls: Why drivers don’t heed them

    A new national survey from the University of Michigan explores why many consumers don’t heed vehicle safety recalls and what steps might boost compliance.

  2. April 6, 2017

    Survey explores why drivers don’t heed vehicle safety recalls

    A new national survey from the U-M Transportation Research Institute explores why many consumers don’t heed vehicle safety recalls and what steps might boost compliance.

  3. April 4, 2017

    Study looks at dads’ search for work-family balance after second child

    Work-family conflict inhibits men from being involved in infant care after the birth of a second child in both dual- and single-earner families, according to a new U-M study.

  4. March 31, 2017

    Dust plays prominent role in nutrients of mountain forest ecosystems

    Scientists have known for decades that tropical places like Hawaii, with lush landscapes and vegetation, nutritionally benefit from the dust that blows from Asia.

  5. March 31, 2017

    Twisted semiconductors for future moving holograms

    A smartphone display that can produce moving, holographic 3-D images will need to be able to twist the light it emits.

  6. March 31, 2017

    Mom’s weight in early pregnancy associated with child’s cerebral palsy

    Being overweight or obese during pregnancy increases the chance of having a child with cerebral palsy, according to new research led by the University of Michigan School of Public Health and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

  7. March 31, 2017

    Tarnish-proof films for flexible displays, touch screens, metamaterials

    The thinnest, smoothest layer of silver that can survive air exposure has been laid down at the University of Michigan, and it could change the way touchscreens and flat or flexible displays are made. It could also help improve computing power, affecting both the transfer of information within a silicon chip and the patterning of…
  8. March 31, 2017

    Lasers can detect weapons-grade uranium from afar

    A technique for detecting enriched uranium with lasers could help regulators sniff out illicit nuclear activities from as far as a couple of miles away.

  9. March 31, 2017

    U-M, Toyota Research Institute partner in $2.4M battery project

    With a $2.4 million investment from the Toyota Research Institute, U-M researchers will develop computer simulation tools to predict automotive battery performance.

  10. March 30, 2017

    New Big Ten project aids searching of geospatial data and maps

    Scholars and researchers have a new way to find and compare geospatial data and maps: the Big Ten Academic Alliance Geoportal, which allows searching across thousands of records.