
  1. September 11, 2014

    University laboratories asked to review biosafety procedures

    U-M is asking all laboratories on campus where biological research is performed to evaluate their safety practices and procedures as part of National Biosafety Stewardship Month.

  2. August 29, 2014

    Sunlight controls fate of carbon released from thawing permafrost

    In a study published in Science, University of Michigan researchers show for the first time that sunlight, not microbial activity, dominates the production of carbon dioxide in Arctic inland waters.

  3. August 29, 2014

    Many patients don’t understand electronic lab results

    While it’s becoming commonplace for patients to see the results of lab work electronically, a new University of Michigan study suggests that many people may not be able to understand what those numbers mean.

  4. August 13, 2014

    U-M forest preserve plot now part of Smithsonian global network

    A research plot at U-M’s Edwin S. George Reserve has been added to a Smithsonian Institution network used to study forest function and diversity.

  5. August 11, 2014

    Less family support increases risk of alcohol, drug use for urban teens

    Urban teens whose parents provide high levels of emotional support are more likely to avoid binge drinking and marijuana use, according to a new University of Michigan study.

  6. August 4, 2014

    Despite expected benefits, concerns remain over self-driving vehicles

    While more than half of Americans have favorable opinions about self-driving vehicles, most believe that humans are still better drivers than automated technology, U-M researchers say.

  7. July 28, 2014

    Research team discovers source of the sky’s X-ray glow

    In findings that help astrophysicists understand our corner of the galaxy, an international research team has shown that the soft X-ray glow blanketing the sky comes from both inside and outside the solar system.

  8. July 24, 2014

    Parents want info about circumcision, not directives

    Most parents expect healthcare providers to answer their questions about circumcision, but they don’t want a specific recommendation on the procedure, according to a new University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health.

  9. July 24, 2014

    Traffic death rates higher in Northern Plains, South

    While road safety nationwide has improved greatly in the last decade, traffic fatality rates are still generally higher in the Northern Plains and southern states than in the Northeast, Midwest and West, a University of Michigan researcher says.

  10. July 24, 2014

    Watch your step: Older African Americans fall less often

    A University of Michigan study examining how race and ethnicity predicts the frequency of falls by older people shows that African Americans are less likely to fall than others.