October 24, 2014
Facetless crystals could advance 3D-printing pills
In a design that mimics a hard-to-duplicate texture of starfish shells, University of Michigan engineers have made rounded crystals that have no facets.
October 24, 2014
Measures to avoid hospital readmission often don’t work
Health care interventions designed to keep patients from having to be readmitted to the hospital are proving unsuccessful, a researcher from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and a colleague have found.
October 24, 2014
Teens playing high-contact sports at risk for using drugs, alcohol
Teens who play sports like football, wrestling, hockey or lacrosse are more likely to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or marijuana than student athletes who play noncontact sports, according to a new University of Michigan study.
October 21, 2014
U-M researchers discuss the changing American family
Most young Americans plan to get married someday, but more than 40 percent of births now occur outside marriage, and the American family itself has become far more diverse and varied.
October 10, 2014
Increased interest in hybrids among non-hybrid owners
Current owners of hybrid vehicles are very satisfied with them and most will buy a hybrid again, University of Michigan researchers say.
October 10, 2014
For better or worse: Michigan communities after the recession
For the first time in six years, more Michigan communities report that they are better able to meet their fiscal needs this year than those who say they are less able to do so.
October 9, 2014
Grant supports U-M analysis of data from mobile health sensors
U-M will share a $10.8 million NIH grant aimed at developing innovative tools to gather, analyze and interpret health data generated by mobile and wearable sensors.
October 9, 2014
MCubed research-funding experiment renewed for two years
MCubed, the university’s one-of-a-kind funding program designed to spark innovative, cross-boundary research, will be renewed for two more years.
October 7, 2014
Bloomberg to release U-M Surveys of Consumers starting in 2015
The university has established a new long-term partnership with Bloomberg to release the U-M Surveys of Consumers starting in January 2015 on a non-exclusive basis.
October 3, 2014
The water in your bottle might be older than the sun
Up to half of the water on Earth is likely older than the solar system itself, University of Michigan astronomers theorize.