May 22, 2000
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their May meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Appointments with tenure Tenured faculty appointments approved by the Regents included: Robert Fishman, of Rutgers University, will be professor of architecture, effective July 1. Mary N. Haan, of the University of California, Davis, will be…
April 24, 2000
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their April meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Appointments to professorships Faculty appointments to endowed and named professorships that were approved by the Regents include: Robert Jon Feigal, professor of dentistry, will hold the Samuel D. Harris Collegiate Professorship of Dentistry, effective April…
March 27, 2000
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their March meeting. By Wono Lee News and Information Services Fox named to endowed chair The appointment of law Prof. Merritt B. Fox to the Louis and Myrtle Moskowitz Research Professorship of Business and Law was approved, effective March 1. The professorship, established in…
March 6, 2000
Editor’s Note: The Regents approved the following renovation projects at their February meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Elevators in Simpson Circle Parking Structure The elevators in the Simpson Circle Parking Structure, in continuous operation since they were installed in 1963, will be replaced at an estimated cost of $700,000. School of Public Health…
February 21, 2000
The University Record, February 21, 2000 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their February meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Administrative appointments Administrative appointments included: Carol T. Mowbray, associate professor of social work and associate professor of psychology, was reappointed associate dean for research of the School of Social…
January 24, 2000
The University Record, January 24, 2000 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their January meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Endowed chairs Three faculty members were named to endowed professorships. George J. Brewer, professor of human genetics and of internal medicine, will hold the Morton S. and Henrietta K.…
December 20, 1999
The University Record, December 20, 1999 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their December meeting. By Wono Lee News and Information Services Tenure appointments Tenured faculty appointments approved by the Regents included: John J. LiPuma, of MCP-Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, will be associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, effective Dec.…
December 6, 1999
The University Record, December 6, 1999 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their November meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Woolliscroft named executive associate dean Prof. James O. Woolliscroft was appointed executive associate dean of the Medical School, effective Nov. 1. Woolliscroft is professor of internal medicine, the Josiah…
October 25, 1999
The University Record, October 25, 1999 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their October meeting. By Wono LeeNews and Information Services Haven addition OKd The Regents approved the revised scope of the Mason Hall and Haven Hall Renovation Project, one of the projects in the University’s plan to renovate existing…
September 27, 1999
The University Record, September 27 , 1999 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their September meeting. Appointments to professorships The following appointments to endowed and titled professorships were approved, all effective Sept. 1. Edwin M. Curley, professor of philosophy, will hold the James B. and Grace J. Nelson Professorship of…