
  1. June 20, 2022

    Heritage Project — Blue angel

    When he was 86 years old, Forman Brown walked into a gay bookstore in Los Angeles and asked a manager if the shop carried “Better Angel.” The manager handed Brown a copy of the novel. The book was well done, he told Brown, and quite popular. “I think you’ll like it.” “I’m sure I shall,” Brown replied. “You see, I wrote it.”

  2. June 6, 2022

    Heritage Project — The arsonist was a scholar

    Robert H. Stacy wrote to U-M President Alexander G. Ruthven that he was being falsely accused of setting the fire that destroyed Haven Hall on June 6, 1950, and felt that his life’s goal of becoming a college professor was “all but destroyed.” Stacy would be proven wrong on both counts.

  3. May 23, 2022

    Heritage Project — The robber’s third chance

    Right around Christmas 1950, a string of hold-ups was reported around Detroit. The culprit turned out to be 20-year-old James Minder, a very bright undergraduate in LSA.

  4. May 2, 2022

    Heritage Project — J-Hop’s rise and fall

    Since its founding, the mid-year social event that became known as the Junior Hop, then simply and universally as J-Hop, had swelled into a glittering three-day-and-night festival.

  5. April 25, 2022

    Heritage Project — Professor White’s Diag

    The Ann Arbor campus was barely 20 years old when Andrew Dickson White first saw it. He arrived from Yale in October 1857 to teach history and English literature.

  6. April 18, 2022

    Heritage Project — Earth Day eve

    For a few days in March 1970, U-M hosted what may have been the most important single event in its history, an event that pushed on the wheel of history and launched the modern movement to save the planet from environmental disaster.

  7. April 11, 2022

    Correction: Faculty work to decolonize Philippines collections

    The Record’s April 11 email incorrectly listed the U-M college affiliation for Deirdre de la Cruz, one of two faculty members leading a project to address and repair various issues related to the university’s collection of artifacts from the Philippines. She is an associate professor of history and of Asian languages and cultures in LSA.

  8. April 11, 2022

    Faculty members work to decolonize U-M Philippines collections

    Faculty members from the School of Information and LSA are leading a project to address and repair various issues related U-M’s large and wide-ranging collection of historical artifacts from the Philippines.

  9. April 11, 2022

    Heritage Project — Blinded by science

    When Professor Edward Campbell lost his sight in an 1892 laboratory accident, only a tiny minority of blind adults in the nation was self-supporting.

  10. April 4, 2022

    Heritage Project — Carpenter in the Dream Factory

    Avery Hopwood was a gay Midwesterner with a superb sense of humor who, in the span of a few months in 1905, wrote his first play, graduated from U-M and sold the play to a Broadway production company.