Health & Medicine
January 12, 2017
Professorships recognize 14 faculty members for global health work
Fourteen faculty members who work across the world to improve public health are the first to be named U-M Professors of Global Public Health.
January 9, 2017
U-M’s academic medical center changes name to Michigan Medicine
Michigan Medicine is the new name of the U-M academic medical center, a change that better reflects its missions of patient care, education and research.
January 3, 2017
Military health system will test reform concept developed at U-M
A health care reform idea originated by U-M faculty will get a major test among members of the nation’s military and their families, as part of a new national defense spending bill.
December 13, 2016
Teen use of illicit drugs besides marijuana at new low; same for alcohol
Teenagers’ use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco declined significantly in 2016 at rates that are at their lowest since the 1990s, a new national study by U-M shows.
December 13, 2016
Vaping, hookah use by U.S. teens declines for first time
A new study finds that the percentage of U.S. teens who vape declined in 2016 — the first significant reversal of a rapid rise in adolescent vaping.
December 12, 2016
Google-funded app helps Flint residents find lead risk, resources
A mobile app and website built for the city of Flint is available now to help the community and government agencies manage the ongoing water crisis.
December 7, 2016
Registration now open for Active U physical activity challenge
Registration for Active U, MHealthy’s 12-week physical activity challenge, now is open for members U-M community seeking to create, maintain or improve fitness goals.
December 7, 2016
U-M, colleges team up in biomedical science teaching and learning
A $3.64 million federal grant will help learners from U-M, Henry Ford College and the Wayne County Community College District come together for science and engineering education.
December 6, 2016
Depression Center taking nominations for $100,000 research award
The Comprehensive Depression Center is accepting nominations for the first-ever Frances and Kenneth Eisenberg Scholar Award for early career U-M faculty members or fellows.
November 7, 2016
Programs help employees stay healthy during the holidays
Faculty and staff looking to stay on a healthy track during the busy holiday season can choose from three seasonal offerings from MHealthy.