
  1. March 24, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    Museum of Art addition and renovation project increased Regents approved build-out of shelled space in the design of the Alumni Memorial Hall Museum of Art addition and renovation project, along with addition of a loading dock and elevator, increasing the budget from $35.4 million to $41.9 million. The project is slated for completion this fall,…
  2. March 3, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    Renovations planned at Dennison The auditoria that are home to the Saturday Morning Physics lectures at the Dennison Building are scheduled to receive updates, including accessibility improvements, new seating, new finishes, networking to support multimedia presentations and improve acoustics. The $1.75 million project is scheduled to be completed this summer. Exterior of Dental school, Kellogg…
  3. February 18, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    Renovations planned at Dennison The auditoria that are home to the Saturday Morning Physics lectures at the Dennison Building are scheduled to receive updates, including accessibility improvements, new seating, new finishes, networking to support multimedia presentations and improve acoustics. The $1.75 million project is scheduled to be completed this summer. Exterior of Dental school, Kellogg…
  4. January 21, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    New neuroscience lab planned for MBNI A new Medical School neuroscience research wet laboratory and procedure room will be created in the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute Building. Approximately 7,000 gross square feet of office and support space on the first level will be renovated to create the new lab, which is scheduled to be…
  5. January 14, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    The following items were approved by the Board of Regents at its Dec. 13 meeting. Capital outlay request submitted to the state The University submitted in November its annual request and five-year plan to the State of Michigan for capital funding for three projects in Ann Arbor and one each at Flint and Dearborn. Capital…
  6. January 7, 2008

    Regents Roundup

    The following items were approved by the Board of Regents at its Dec. 13 meeting. Capital outlay request submitted to the state The University submitted in November its annual request and five-year plan to the State of Michigan for capital funding for three projects in Ann Arbor and one each at Flint and Dearborn. Capital…
  7. December 10, 2007

    Regents Roundup

    Capital outlay request submitted to the state The University submitted in November its annual request and five-year plan to the State of Michigan for capital funding for three projects in Ann Arbor and one each at Flint and Dearborn. Capital outlay funding from the state usually provides two-thirds of the costs of a construction project.…
  8. December 3, 2007

    Regents Roundup

    Lab updates for Med Sci II Laboratory space for the Medical School‘s microbiology and immunology department will be modernized when the sixth level of the Medical Science Unit II building is renovated. Approximately 4,000 gross square feet of space, built 40 years ago, will receive state-of-the-art upgrades including infrastructure improvements. The Medical School will provide…
  9. November 19, 2007

    Regents Roundup

    Lab updates for Med Sci II Laboratory space for the Medical School‘s microbiology and immunology department will be modernized when the sixth level of the Medical Science Unit II building is renovated. Approximately 4,000 gross square feet of space, built 40 years ago, will receive state-of-the-art upgrades including infrastructure improvements. The Medical School will provide…
  10. October 29, 2007

    Regents Roundup

    Renovations at CCRB for kinesiology Two new classrooms on the third level of the Central Campus Recreation Building will be operational next fall after a 4,400-gross-square-foot renovation project is completed. As part of the project, the U-Move program will relocate from the second floor. Infrastructure upgrades, including extension of the building’s fire suppression system to…