Campus News
December 16, 2013
Police Beat: Dec. 16
Police Beat, Dec. 16, 2013.
December 16, 2013
Where do U-M faculty and staff live?
More than 75 percent of U-M faculty and staff from all three campuses and U-M Hospitals and Health Centers live in nearby Washtenaw and Wayne counties.
December 16, 2013
Museums to host exhibits during winter break
As the campus prepares for winter break, there are several activities on campus this holiday season available to faculty, staff and the general public.
December 16, 2013
Honors and awards given to U-M faculty and staff.
December 16, 2013
Campus briefs
News from around the university.
December 16, 2013
Eye technician gives back with therapy dogs
Gretchen Ford understands the importance of listening to and supporting patients, whether she’s working at the Kellogg Eye Center as a certified ophthalmic technician or volunteering at medical facilities with her therapy dog.
December 16, 2013
University Record taking a holiday hiatus
The University Record’s print and email editions are taking a holiday break. The Record email will return Jan. 7 and the next print edition will be Jan. 13.
December 15, 2013
Love will prevail, speaker Michele Norris-Johnson tells U-M graduates
Winter Commencement speaker Michele Norris-Johnson conveyed a simple, yet powerful message to U-M graduates at Crisler Center on Sunday: “Love wins. Love always wins.”
• Commencement ceremonies at UM-Dearborn drew nearly 400 participants Saturday.
December 15, 2013
Winter Commencement
President Mary Sue Coleman greets a graduate at Sunday’s commencement ceremony. Flags representing U-M’s schools and colleges begin the processional. A graduate waves from the floor of Crisler Center. Provost Martha E. Pollack congratulates the graduates. President Mary Sue Coleman embraces MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon, who received an honorary… -
December 12, 2013
Au Bon Pain to open in Michigan Union in January
International café and bakery restaurant Au Bon Pain will open in the Michigan Union on Jan. 7, featuring an expanded menu and a performance area for programming and events.