Campus News
January 23, 2023
Professor embraces disability through movement
Petra Kuppers, the Anita Gonzalez Collegiate Professor of Performance Studies and Disability Culture in LSA, and her wife launched Turtle Disco, weekly group sessions that incorporated writing and movement.
January 23, 2023
Heritage Project — The fake news about James Neel
James van Gundia Neel died of cancer at his home in Ann Arbor on the first day of February 2000. He was 84. He was promptly memorialized as one of the greatest scientists in U-M’s history.
January 23, 2023
Accolades — January 2023
Awards and honors for U-M faculty and staff.
January 23, 2023
Campus briefs
Short news items from around the University of Michigan.
January 19, 2023
OVPR seeking nominations for research staff, faculty awards
The Office of the Vice President for Research is seeking nominations for its annual research awards to celebrate the impact and importance of research staff and faculty, who help drive the success of university operations.
January 19, 2023
Six faculty members will help shape future of semiconductors
Faculty members in the College of Engineering’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are part of a nationwide undertaking in the area of semiconductors and information and communication technologies.
January 19, 2023
Study looks at benefits of reusable take-out food containers
In the effort to reduce plastic waste in the restaurant industry, U-M researchers compared the lifetime environmental impacts of single-use and reusable food containers.
January 19, 2023
Four to receive Sarah Goddard Power Awards from AWC
The 2023 Sarah Goddard Power Award recipients are Regina Baucom, Jessica Tischler, Monique Ward and Jenna Wiens, and the Rhetaugh G. Dumas Progress in Diversifying Award goes to the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
January 18, 2023
Palmer Field Temporary Recreation Facility to open Jan. 20
U-M’s newest recreation center, the Palmer Field Temporary Recreation Facility, will make its debut with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, gift give-a-ways and building tours.
January 18, 2023
Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize nominations due Jan. 31
Members of the U-M community have until Jan. 31 to suggest examples of innovative teaching they would like to see rewarded with a 2023 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize.