Campus News
June 15, 2023
House officers reach tentative agreement with Michigan Medicine
The U-M House Officers Association has reached a tentative agreement with Michigan Medicine on a new four-year contract. A ratification vote for the 1,200-member union is underway.
June 15, 2023
OVPR awards $500K to support arts, humanities research
The Office of the Vice President for Research awarded more than $500,000 this month as part of its Research Catalyst and Innovation Block Grants Program to support arts and humanities projects at U-M.
June 14, 2023
Paul Draus named director of U-M’s Detroit Center
Paul J. Draus, professor of sociology at UM-Dearborn, will be the new director of U-M’s Detroit Center, focusing on community engagement, research initiatives and U-M’s relationship with the Detroit area.
June 13, 2023
Nominations sought for disability advocates, accessibility leaders
Nominations for the James T. Neubacher Award, named for a U-M alumnus who advocated for equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities, are being accepted through July 31.
June 13, 2023
U-M, Detroit forge closer ties through grants, partnerships
Eight new initiatives designed to forge connections between U-M and the Detroit community have been selected to receive more than $110,000 from the 2023 Engage Detroit Workshops grant program.
June 8, 2023
University, GEO resolve unfair labor practice complaints
U-M and the Graduate Employees’ Organization have reached an agreement to resolve several unfair labor practice complaints filed as part of ongoing contract negotiations between the parties.
June 8, 2023
‘The only winning move is not to play’
When the makers of plagiarism-detection software Turnitin announced they would add the ability to detect writing created by generative artificial intelligence, UM-Dearborn opted out.
June 8, 2023
Non-LSD hallucinogen use rising among young adults
Young adults ages 19-30 nearly doubled their past-12-month use of non-LSD hallucinogens in the United States from 2018-21, according to a study by U-M and Columbia University.
June 7, 2023
Skilled Trades Union members ratify new four-year contract
Members of the U-M Skilled Trades Union have ratified a new four-year contract with the university that provides annual wage increases, bonuses and additional short-term sick time.
June 7, 2023
U-M leads $7.5M effort to harness atomic-scale defects
A $7.5 million project led by U-M aims to understand how atom dislocations could be used as “nano-pipelines” to possibly enable faster, more efficient information processing in next-generation electronic devices.