Arts & Culture
January 9, 2023
Artist’s shredding technique makes deep observations on history
Titus Kaphar’s work largely delves into history, but he does not consider himself a historian. Kaphar, an artist born and raised in Kalamazoo, uses a unique shredding technique on his paintings and the result offers deep commentary on the subject. His painting “Flay (James Madison)” showcases his shredding technique, and the work is the centerpiece… -
January 9, 2023
Bonsai specialist embraces nature at a smaller scale
Jack Sustic, the bonsai specialist at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum, has his own extensive collection of more than 60 bonsai trees in his home.
December 5, 2022
Photographer channels passion for weather into storm chasing
Daryl Marshke, a senior photographer with Michigan Photography, has a passion for photographing storms, an interest piqued at a young age when his Brighton home was damaged by a tornado.
November 14, 2022
SMTD technical director has long history with Pokémon
Richard Lindsay, technical director of university productions and lecturer of theatre in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, discovered Pokémon during the late 1990s.
November 7, 2022
Grad program manager finds outlet through improv
Beth Dutridge-Corp, an LSA graduate education program manager, fell in love with sketch comedy shows and takes part in improvisational comedy performances.
October 31, 2022
Small observation helps lead to big break
Jonathan Smith, percussion program manager at U-M, has performed nearly 200 shows for “Aladdin” on Broadway since 2014 as the designated sub for the musical’s full-time percussionist.
October 24, 2022
‘For Whom the Bell Polls’ uses music to promote the vote
In preparation for Election Day, U-M community members are invited to vote for the music they want played that day from the carillons in Burton Memorial Tower on Central Campus and Lurie Tower on North Campus.
October 17, 2022
Program adviser explores cultures through song
Tamara West, an intercultural program adviser at U-M’s Center for Global and Intercultural Study, has always had an interest in other cultures.
October 10, 2022
Stamps professors transform U-M gallery spaces into election hubs
Two installations at the Duderstadt Gallery and the U-M Museum of Art intend to make the voting process clear, welcoming and delightful for students on both Central and North Campus this fall.
October 3, 2022
SEAS creative director creates chalk-art masterpieces
Dave Brenner, the School for Environment and Sustainability’s creative and web director, and his wife, Shelley, compete in chalk-art competitions around the country and the world.