April 3, 2015
IRWG announces Faculty Seed Grants
The University of Michigan’s Institute for Research on Women and Gender has awarded 12 Faculty Seed Grants for projects on women, gender and sexuality, which may be structured creatively to produce the best possible end products, including publications, conferences, works of fine art, and novel research and scholarship.
March 5, 2015
U-M gift establishes world’s first endowed chair of Thai Buddhism
A $2 million gift to U-M will establish the Thai Professorship of Theravada Buddhism, which will further enhance one of North America’s largest Buddhist studies programs.
February 27, 2015
Faculty, students share digital education insights at DEI event
Faculty and graduate students shared their insights about projects and courses they have created in digital spaces, during a series of sessions Thursday.
February 27, 2015
Lightning round participants and projects
• Caren Stalburg: Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education MOOC Interview with Dr. Stalburg: MOOC Creator Reflects on Lessons Learned and OER • Tim McKay: • George Siedel: Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills MOOC • Caitlin Holman: GradeCraft • Steve Lonn: Student Explorer • Anne Sales: Utilizing Scott Page’s Model Thinking MOOC within Optimal Models and Systems for Health Care Delivery course • Chris Brooks: Engaging UM Students Through MOOCs • Gautam Kaul: Introduction to Finance MOOC -
February 16, 2015
Lecture to offer a planetary scientist’s tour through the solar system
Tamas Gombosi will recount his “journey in the solar system” in his inaugural lecture as the Konstantin I. Gringauz Distinguished University Professor of Space Science Feb. 23.
February 16, 2015
Course encourages students to impact campus sustainability
A revamped Environ 211 course now focuses less on grand ideas for making a difference and more on ways students can roll up their sleeves to solve a local problem.
February 12, 2015
U-M funds another round of engaged-learning projects
The university has awarded funding for another 18 projects under the Transforming Learning for a Third Century portion of the Third Century Initiative.
February 12, 2015
Health care project gets $1.4M Third Century Initiative grant
U-M researchers have received a $1.4 million, three-year Phase II grant from the Third Century Initiative to develop, test and deploy health care technologies.
February 6, 2015
Exhibit, events this semester draw attention to engaged learning
A library exhibit and a talk by a national advocate for faculty who practice engaged scholarship are among the ways the university will spotlight engaged learning this semester.
February 4, 2015
U-M to help lead $5M ‘VIP’ program in STEM education
The College of Engineering is co-leading a national program to give more undergraduates and master’s students deep experience in faculty research, and help drive systemic reform in the education of science, technology, engineering and math.