state funding

  1. June 9, 2016

    University projects approved for capital outlay funding

    The Michigan Legislature has voted to approve capital outlay funding for three projects on the U-M Ann Arbor, Flint and Dearborn campuses.

  2. February 11, 2016

    Governor recommends 4.3 percent increase in state’s higher-ed budget

    Gov. Rick Snyder is recommending a 4.3 percent budget increase for the state’s 15 public universities, with increases ranging from 4.2 percent to 5.1 percent at U-M’s three campuses.

  3. February 24, 2015

    Schlissel calls education a ‘pathway to prosperity’ for state residents

    President Mark Schlissel told state legislators Tuesday that Michigan residents “look to higher education as a pathway to prosperity for their children and as a source of hope for the future.”

  4. February 11, 2015

    Governor recommends funding increase for all three U-M campuses

    Gov. Rick Snyder has recommended a 2 percent overall funding increase for Michigan universities in fiscal year 2016, with a 1.9 percent increase for U-M’s Ann Arbor campus, 1.7 percent for UM-Dearborn and 2.5 percent for UM-Flint.

  5. March 14, 2014

    President Coleman urges alumni to back increased state funding

    President Mary Sue Coleman is asking all U-M alumni in Michigan to urge their lawmakers to help the state recapture its leadership in higher education funding.

  6. February 13, 2014

    Coleman stresses value of state investment in public universities

    President Mary Sue Coleman delivered a message of hope for the state Thursday as she addressed a legislative panel on the importance of funding for higher education.