Staff Spotlight
February 22, 2021
Family’s cancer battles drive ‘Row to Nowhere’
Mike Psarouthakis and his wife, Lisa, compete for the Ann Arbor Rowing Club. Psarouthakis, director of the U-M Tech Transfer Venture Center and managing director of the Accelerate Blue Fund, and his entire family row.
February 8, 2021
New Newnan adviser hopped on bike to explore area
When Heather Klein started her job as a coordinator of advising training and professional development at LSA’s Newnan Academic Advising Center in May, she explored the area on her bike.
November 9, 2020
Tech Transfer staffer goes extra mile as ultra-marathoner
Drew Bennett, associate director of software licensing at the Office of Technology Transfer, competes in ultra-marathons, including 100-milers around the country.
November 2, 2020
Central Power Plant staffer uses napkins as his art canvas
For the past four decades, Gary Bohas has been drawing napkin portraits of the celebrities he meets and strangers he sees and has collected more than 4,000 of these drawings.
October 26, 2020
Systems administrator captures beauty of national parks
Joe Braun, a senior systems administrator at the Institute for Social Research, enjoys hiking and exploring, has written hiking guides for three national parks and is also a talented photographer.
October 19, 2020
Staffer and her husband run local running group
Colleen Stone, content and digital strategist for the Department of Surgery at Michigan Medicine, and her husband manage a local running group, PR Run Club, which has about 70 active members.
October 5, 2020
Clinical analyst discovers buzz around beekeeping
Jennette Green, a clinical analyst for the Department of Family Medicine in the Medical School, took up beekeeping at her Manchester home several years ago.
September 21, 2020
Two-wheeled tourist has cycled all over the world
Stefan Koehler, associate director of licensing for U-M Tech Transfer, has ridden his bicycle in more than 20 countries, soaking up the scenery and culture during trips that are often more exciting than traveling by car.
September 14, 2020
Family Medicine staffer hits her stride in roller derby
Devon Kinney, project manager in Michigan Medicine’s Department of Family Medicine, competes for competes for Quad County Roller Derby under the roller derby name Dark Ayn Stormy.
September 8, 2020
Mcity associate director delights co-workers with charcuterie
Greg McGuire, who has served as Mcity associate director for a year, got into charcuterie when someone suggested his “Michigan basement” was an ideal place to cure meats.