December 6, 2010
Last spring Jennifer Jones and the women of Voices in Harmony chorus traveled to Cleveland to participate in a regional Sweet Adeline’s competition. Dressed as newsboys from the turn of the century, they sang songs in the barbershop style of a cappella harmony. Facing competitors from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, the women won third…
November 22, 2010
Karen Holland learned how to knit when she was a child, but she mastered the art of simple crocheting this past summer by watching videos on YouTube. She uses these combined skills to contribute mittens, hats and blankets for volunteer projects throughout the community. Holland has been part of the MLK Community Service Day planning…
November 1, 2010
When Joe Burman attended University of Maryland, Baltimore County, he knew he wanted to major in religious studies, but no program existed. So Burman went ahead and crafted his own major. “Looking at the course guide, I didn’t really see … what I was going to do,” Burman says. “I’ve always been fascinated by mythology…
October 18, 2010
Todd Coon remembers the excitement in the Pendleton Room as the new drapes were hung four years ago. These curtains were more than just 15-by-20-foot pieces of fabric to Coon and the staff; they were the culmination of time, money and teamwork invested by everyone present to rejuvenate the 92-year-old room at the Michigan Union.…
October 4, 2010
He’s not with the football team or marching band. But Greg Linderman, whose place at the Big House is a tent under the south scoreboard, just got his first fan mail. During the work week, the Allied Health technical coordinator with U-M Med Equip makes sure modern hospital equipment is in top working condition before…
September 27, 2010
If you don’t count the time she swam through a school of stinging jellyfish, former competitive swimmer Erica Rose has fully enjoyed her time as the Open Water World Champion. “It was the worst encounter I had. I was swimming from the island of Capri to the coast of Italy. I was stung all over…
August 16, 2010
Designing a garden is like planning a painting, says Judy Dluzen, collections and natural areas specialist at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. But it’s not enough to match plants by their standard color representations. “After years of doing this, I have found catalogue descriptions don’t always get the nuances of color correct in their descriptions. So I…
July 19, 2010
The coach of the U-M Dance Team says being a part of the group is about more than learning dance moves. “For me, dancing allows you to be artistic, athletic and inspirational. With the U of M Dance Team, it also allows us to support this outstanding university,” says Valerie Stead Potsos, who also performed…
July 5, 2010
As a girl, Sandy Richter was more into fixing up the shoebox houses her Barbie dolls lived in, rather than their hair or clothes. Today, she relishes the challenge of reinventing the university’s range of interior spaces, from offices to public areas and more. Photo by Scott Soderberg, U-M Photo Services. “We maintain millions of…
June 21, 2010
The ability for a nurse to show empathy to the sick and their families is a quality that can’t really be taught — unlike the medical knowledge a registered nurse must hold. But empathy has long been valued an important trait of a nurse, and a useful way to connect with patients to understand what…