
  1. September 4, 2024

    Library exhibition explores mixed-race lived experiences

    A new U-M Library exhibition “Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World” is open at the Clark Library through December 2024.

  2. October 5, 2023

    Study: Women, minority faculty are less likely to negotiate pay

    A new study reveals a previously underexplored contributor to disparities in pay and employment conditions within higher education: negotiation behavior.

  3. June 29, 2023

    Statement on affirmative action ruling by U.S. Supreme Court

    Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on race-conscious college admissions policies, U-M remains committed to fostering a broadly diverse learning environment, student body and campus community.

  4. May 4, 2023

    Expert Q&A: Race relations won’t improve overnight

    U-M sociologist Alford Young Jr. puts into context what must happen to eliminate deadly encounters that, in recent cases, has led to Black youths being killed in regular situations by white citizens.

  5. February 7, 2023

    Academic freedom lecturer addresses teaching of racial history

    New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie delivered the 32nd annual Davis, Markert, and Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom with a talk titled “Revisiting Du Bois and ‘The Propaganda of History.’”

  6. August 4, 2022

    University files amicus brief in support of Harvard, UNC

    U-M has filed an amicus brief supporting Harvard University and the University of North Carolina in a lawsuit looking to remove the consideration of race in college and university admissions.

  7. October 13, 2020

    Engineering proposals seek to educate on societal racism, bias

    Two new initiatives proposed at the College of Engineering aim to educate the community on race, ethnicity, unconscious bias and inclusion, and establish a reimagined center for diversity, equity and inclusion. 

  8. June 2, 2020

    University to host virtual town hall on racism

    Combating racism through daily activities, relationships and challenging conversations will be the focus of a virtual town hall meeting set for noon June 5.

  9. February 26, 2019

    Black youths believe inequality creates racial academic achievement gaps

    African-American teens blame systemic racism for the academic achievement gap between blacks and whites, a belief that was shaped by their parents and other factors, a new U-M study found.

  10. May 18, 2015

    Ford School graduate students prompt discourse on race in video

    A 20-minute video created by and featuring graduate students from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy puts their direct, personal experiences with racism in focus.