National Science Foundation

  1. July 15, 2021

    Tilbury joins OVPR to lead strategy on future communities

    Dawn Tilbury has joined the Office of the Vice President for Research to advance a new strategic endeavor that infuses social and technical expertise to address complex challenges facing future communities.

  2. December 7, 2020

    Rackham joins alliance to increase diversity in STEM fields

    U-M has joined with eight other universities in an effort that aims to increase the number of underrepresented minority faculty and postdoctoral researchers working in STEM fields.

  3. November 10, 2020

    $1.62B in FY ’20 research volume spurs U-M innovation

    U-M reported $1.62 billion in research volume during fiscal year 2020, which led to important advancements in a range of areas. The university maintained the same total research volume as FY ’19.

  4. October 1, 2020

    U-M physicists part of Large Hadron Collider upgrade

    U-M physicists Tom Schwarz, Bing Zhou and Junjie Zhu will have a key hand in upgrading CERN’s Large Hadron Collider using grants from the National Science Foundation totaling $7.1 million.

  5. September 8, 2020

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the University of Michigan.

  6. September 2, 2020

    Researchers lead efforts to improve solar storm forecasts

    Solar storms and other space weather events have the potential to impact society on a national or global scale, and U-M researchers lead two multimillion-dollar projects to improve forecasting.

  7. August 31, 2020

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the University of Michigan.

  8. August 20, 2020

    U-M, MSU receive $1.4M NSF grant for joint STEM project

    U-M and Michigan State have been awarded $1.4 million by the National Science Foundation to study inclusive environments in science, technology, engineering and math within academia.

  9. March 31, 2020

    Would a sewage surveillance effort help track COVID-19?

    With a $200,000 rapid-response grant from the National Science Foundation, researchers at U-M and Stanford University are exploring whether a community’s wastewater gives an early warning for COVID-19.

  10. February 17, 2020

    Town hall highlights best practices for international engagement

    U-M is taking steps to strengthen transparency and streamline the reporting processes around international engagement, including efforts to centralize disclosure procedures and develop a compliance auditing system.