National Science Foundation

  1. November 15, 2021

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the University of Michigan.

  2. October 18, 2021

    NSF grant to help UM-Dearborn target underserved STEM students

    A $1.44 million National Science Foundation award will help UM-Dearborn create a STEM Scholars program to bridge a gap in science fields among lower-income, high talent students.

  3. October 5, 2021

    U-M to use $1.8M grant to develop quantum nanomaterials

    An effort by U-M engineerings to create quantum semiconductors that operate at room temperature has been awarded $1.8 million by the National Science Foundation.

  4. October 4, 2021

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the University of Michigan.

  5. September 29, 2021

    MIDAS leads multi-university collaboration on data equity systems

    The Michigan Institute for Data Science is leading a multi-university partnership to develop a framework for a national institute that would enable research using sensitive data, while preventing its misuse and misinterpretation.

  6. September 16, 2021

    First-responder robots could team with wildfire fighters

    Tomorrow’s wildfire fighters and other first responders may tag-team with robotic assistants that can hike through wilderness areas and disaster zones, thanks to a U-M research project funded by a new $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation.

  7. September 14, 2021

    $2M grant to fund study of solar power use in fertilizer production

    The National Science Foundation has awarded U-M researchers $2 million to study the effectiveness of a new ammonia production process aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  8. September 9, 2021

    Researchers receive OVPR large-scale planning grants

    The Office of the Vice President for Research has awarded its first round of Large-Scale Center and Initiative Planning Grants to a pair of teams at U-M that are working to strengthen and expand research activity around engineered materials and sustainable systems.

  9. August 30, 2021

    University to lead $15M Great Lakes region innovation hub

    The National Science Foundation has established a Great Lakes Innovation Corps Hub that’s led by U-M and involves 11 universities in eight states.

  10. August 13, 2021

    Most powerful laser in U.S. to begin operations at U-M

    Said to put the United States back on the map of high-power laser facilities, the 3 petawatt ZEUS laser at U-M has been awarded $18.5 million by the National Science Foundation.