Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Science

  1. February 24, 2020

    MIDAS announces challenge to promote research reproducibility

    The Michigan Institute for Data Science has announced the 2020 Reproducibility Challenge to highlight high-quality, reproducible scientific work at U-M by collecting examples of best practices across diverse fields.

  2. February 24, 2020

    Campus briefs

    Deadline is March 15 for spending money left in 2019 Health Care FSA University of Michigan employees who have money remaining in their 2019 Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts still have a few weeks left to spend it. FSAs are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service and the rules allow a grace period from Jan.…
  3. February 17, 2020

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the university.

  4. December 9, 2019

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the university.

  5. December 4, 2019

    Fifteen U-M teams awarded PODS grants through MIDAS

    The Michigan Institute for Data Science recently announced its first round of Propelling Original Data Science grant winners from U-M, which included 15 interdisciplinary teams from nine schools.

  6. September 25, 2019

    U-M receives $2M NSF grant to explore data equity systems

    With a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation, U-M plans to establish a framework for a national institute enabling research using sensitive data, while preventing misuse and misinterpretation.

  7. September 17, 2019

    Statistics celebrates 50 years of growth and influence

    Founded in 1969, the Department of Statistics added an undergraduate program to its master’s and Ph.D. programs in 1977. Over the past 50 years, the field has undergone significant changes.

  8. August 22, 2019

    MIDAS announces first cohort of Michigan Data Science Fellows

    Seven outstanding young data scientists from the United States, Asia and Europe will join U-M’s Michigan Institute for Data Science as the inaugural cohort of Michigan Data Science Fellows.

  9. January 22, 2019

    H.V. Jagadish to be Michigan Institute for Data Science director

    H.V. Jagadish, the Bernard A. Galler Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has been appointed director of the Michigan Institute for Data Science.

  10. April 23, 2018

    Research initiative seeks to connect music and big data

    U-M’s Data Science for Music Challenge Initiative will provide support for four research teams that use big data techniques to transform how we understand, create and interact with music.