1. January 8, 2018

    Babies born during famine have lower cognition in midlife

    Hunger and malnutrition in infancy may lead to poor cognitive performance in midlife, according to a new study.

  2. January 8, 2018

    A ‘STEM’ parent boosts girls’ participation in science degrees

    Even when girls perform just as well as boys on standardized math tests, they are half as likely to major in science at college.

  3. April 25, 2014

    Optimistic spouse better for partner’s health

    If your spouse expects good things to happen, your health may be in luck.

  4. April 18, 2014

    Genes increase stress of social disadvantage for some children

    Genes amplify the stress of harsh environments for some children and magnify the advantage of supportive environments for other children, according to a study that’s one of the first to document how genes interacting with social environments affect biomarkers of stress.

  5. March 28, 2014

    Education, finances affect risk of heart disease more for women than men

    Low levels of education and financial assets have long been linked to increased risks of cardiovascular disease. But a new University of Michigan study shows that the association is much greater for middle-aged and older women than it is for men of similar ages.

  6. March 28, 2014

    Mentally challenging jobs may keep your mind sharp long after retirement

    A mentally demanding job may stress you out today but can provide important benefits after you retire, according to a new study.

  7. February 14, 2014

    Poor conditions early in life may lead to health problems for many elderly

    Well-intended efforts to improve infant and child health in the developing world in the mid-20th century could be linked with increased risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease for people born during this period when they reach older age, a University of Michigan researcher found.