Institute for Social Research
June 18, 2015
Economist David Lam will lead Institute for Social Research
David A. Lam, one of the world’s leading scholars in economic demography, is the new director of the Institute for Social Research.
May 22, 2015
U-M part of report on how to support collaborative research
Two U-M researchers have contributed to a new report from the National Science Foundation that analyzes how to create the most effective scientific teams.
April 30, 2015
Premature deaths of black Americans alter politics, health care
If a million black Americans who died prematurely had been alive to vote in the 2004 elections, the outcome in several key races would have been very different, U-M research shows.
April 30, 2015
U-M pitches in with relief work after Nepal earthquake
After surviving the massive earthquake, U-M researchers and staff in Nepal are providing tents, food and other aid to hard-to-reach communities near the epicenter.
January 26, 2015
ISR addition is latest U-M project to win LEED Gold Certification
The Thompson Street addition to the Institute for Social Research has received LEED Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.
December 16, 2014
Alcohol, cigarette use, number of illicit drugs declines among teens
A survey of students in U.S. middle schools and high schools shows alcohol and cigarette use are at their lowest points since 1975, and use of a number of illicit drugs also show declines.
December 16, 2014
E-cigarettes surpass tobacco cigarettes among teens
More teens are using e-cigarettes in 2014 than traditional, tobacco cigarettes or any other tobacco product, according to U-M’s Monitoring the Future study.
November 18, 2014
Few students attend schools that meet federal nutrition standards
Implementing the latest government standards for food and beverages sold at U.S. schools would substantially improve school nutrition, according to a new U-M study.
October 30, 2014
New U-M institute to measure impact of university research
U-M has launched a new initiative that will coordinate nationwide efforts to measure the economic and scientific impact of the more than $65 billion spent on research each year at the nation’s universities.
October 21, 2014
U-M researchers discuss the changing American family
Most young Americans plan to get married someday, but more than 40 percent of births now occur outside marriage, and the American family itself has become far more diverse and varied.