healthy eating

  1. June 24, 2024

    MHealthy encourages eating more fruits and vegetables

    Registration is now open for U-M faculty and staff to join a six-week challenge encouraging them to take steps to eat more produce, a vital source of healthy nutrients.

  2. June 28, 2022

    Six-week Fruit and Veggie Challenge starts July 11

    U-M faculty and staff can join the online Fruit and Veggie Challenge to take steps to eat more produce. Registration is now open. The challenge starts July 11.

  3. September 4, 2019

    Cutting calories? Budget by meal, not by day

    Researchers found that the daily calorie budget was lower by at least 100 calories when study participants set the daily budget by meal rather than by day.

  4. June 5, 2019

    Colorful Choices helps U-M employees eat more fruits, vegetables

    Registration is now open for Colorful Choices, an eight-week online program of tips and recipes to encourage benefits-eligible faculty and staff to eat fruits and vegetables. Tracking starts June 24.