
  1. February 15, 2021

    U-M study links Detroit’s home repair program, housing stability

    New research supported by Poverty Solutions at U-M shows a home repair grant program in Detroit has helped homeowners with low incomes complete major home repair projects.

  2. December 5, 2020

    Hollywood in the house: UM-Dearborn couple hosts film crew

    UM-Dearborn faculty members Dale and Anne Thomson recently turned their northwest Detroit home over to a film crew that used it for scenes in Steven Soderbergh’s new movie.

  3. December 2, 2020

    University, community partners tackle energy insecurity

    A new U-M-led project will work with residents of 200 low- and moderate-income households in three Detroit neighborhoods to improve home energy efficiency and to lower monthly utility bills.

  4. November 23, 2020

    Majority of Detroiters unlikely to get COVID-19 vaccine

    Sixty-one percent of Detroiters say they are unlikely or very unlikely to get a government-approved COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, according to U-M’s Detroit Metro Area Communities Study.

  5. October 26, 2020

    U-M’s Detroit River Story Lab to amplify waterway’s narratives

    The Detroit River Story Lab at U-M lifts off this semester with grant-funded partnerships and multidisciplinary courses devoted to the international waterway’s long and deep store of sustaining narratives.

  6. September 28, 2020

    Key findings from ‘Investing in Us’ report

    The community-based research project, “Investing in Us: Resident Priorities for Economic Mobility in Detroit,” aims to provide policymakers, philanthropic organizations, nonprofits and other service providers with clear guidance on how Detroiters define economic well-being and what strategies they think will work best to increase economic mobility, which is the ability to improve one’s economic status.…
  7. September 28, 2020

    Report lifts Detroit residents’ economic mobility priorities

    A new report from U-M’s Poverty Solutions lifts up more than a decade’s worth of input from Detroit residents on how to increase economic mobility and decrease poverty in their city. 

  8. May 26, 2020

    A look at COVID-19 research and activity across U-M

    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the University of Michigan works on many levels, but it also has galvanized activity across the university as a broad range of academic, research and administrative units apply their expertise to this worldwide crisis. These synopses offer a glimpse into the variety of activity underway. Go online to…
  9. April 27, 2020

    U-M survey paints grim economic picture for Detroiters

    About half of Detroiters say they are more likely than not to run out of money in the next three months due to the COVID-19 crisis, says results from a U-M Detroit Metro Area Communities Study survey.

  10. February 10, 2020

    Forecast reports Detroit job growth higher than Michigan overall

    In partnership with U-M, the city of Detroit has released its first forecast for the city, which shows ongoing gains in household income, employment and labor force participation through 2024.