
  1. November 6, 2023

    Concussion Center helps high school athletes play it safe

    With research showing that 1 in 4 adolescents self-reported at least one concussion in 2020, the U-M Concussion Center helps Michigan school districts train coaches and volunteers to protect athletes.

  2. February 3, 2023

    Brain health, concussions, sports: A long-term connection?

    The Michigan Alumni Brain Health Study will examine whether sport participation and concussions are associated with later-life brain health in former U-M athletes and nonathletes.

  3. October 8, 2021

    $42.65M awarded to launch next phase of concussion study

    The largest concussion and repetitive head impact study in history has received a $42.65 million award to launch the next phase of the landmark research project that is co-led by U-M.

  4. May 11, 2021

    More youth report concussions since 2016, U-M study shows

    Educating athletes, parents and coaches about concussion treatment and prevention has been a priority during the last decade, but are the intended audiences hearing the message?

  5. September 23, 2019

    U-M offers online certification, teach-out about concussions

    U-M will offer a professional certification on concussion training for those who work with high school athletes, and a general awareness teach-out for anyone interested in learning more about concussions.