climate change
October 4, 2022
Group led by U-M helping small towns plan for a warming world
The Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments, a group led by U-M, is partnering with 12 Midwestern communities to help them address infrastructure needs for changing climate realities.
June 9, 2022
Medical School students, administrators partner on climate issues
White Coats for Planetary Health, a group of students at the Medical School, is working to focus attention on climate change and its implications for health across the institution.
May 9, 2022
Anesthesiology initiative seeks to reduce climate change impact
Michigan Medicine’s Department of Anesthesiology has launched a new initiative to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and minimize its impact on climate change
April 18, 2022
Climate change and Michigan: Challenges and opportunities
U-M climate scientist Jonathan Overpeck, the Samuel A. Graham Dean of the School for Environment and Sustainability, discusses climate change challenges and opportunities for Michigan.
February 16, 2022
Catalyst grants support key steps toward sustainability, justice
Five new catalyst grants from the Graham Sustainability Institute will fund projects designed to advance potential infrastructure solutions across energy, transportation and the built environment.
January 14, 2022
Sustainability goals advance alongside carbon neutrality efforts
U-M has made progress toward its 2025 sustainability goals for the Ann Arbor campus in many areas, while the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on campus operations continues.
December 1, 2021
U-M expert: Next phase of business sustainability requires change
Recent years have seen the business community become more aware of and active in sustainability issues, but real progress remains elusive. Tom Lyon discusses how to move forward.
November 10, 2021
Sustainability Clinic in Detroit to help combat impacts of climate change
The School for Environment and Sustainability has launched the SEAS Sustainability Clinic to help the city of Detroit and nonprofits serving it address the impacts of climate change, and enhance sustainability policy and action.
November 8, 2021
Global network takes stock of human adaptation to climate change
A study by a global network of 126 researchers, including at U-M, found that adaptation to climate change around the world is mostly fragmented and incremental and undertaken primarily by individuals and households.
November 8, 2021
Land loss leaves Indigenous nations vulnerable to climate change
A team of researchers, including one from U-M, has attempted to quantify the massive loss of historical lands by Indigenous nations across the United States since European settlers first began laying claim to the continent.