Candace Johnson Award

  1. February 22, 2016

    School of Public Health staffer to receive Candace J. Johnson award

    Sylvia Koski, assistant to the dean in the School of Public Health, has been selected to receive the 12th annual Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence.

  2. September 25, 2015

    Staff nominations sought for Candace J. Johnson Award

    Nominees from the Ann Arbor and U-M Health System campuses are being sought for the Candace J. Johnson Award for Staff Excellence.

  3. February 9, 2015

    Jan Berry receives Candace J. Johnson Award for Staff Excellence

    Jan Berry, a research laboratory specialist senior in the School of Dentistry for 38 years, has been selected to receive the 11th annual Candace J. Johnson Award for Staff Excellence.

  4. October 6, 2014

    Staff nominations sought for Candace J. Johnson Award

    Faculty and staff have until Oct. 31 to nominate any regular staff member at the Ann Arbor and Health System campuses for the Candace J. Johnson Award for Staff Excellence.

  5. January 20, 2014

    Engineering staffer to receive Candace J. Johnson award

    Candy Ellis, unit administrator for the Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering, College of Engineering, will receive the 10th annual Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence.